I just finished a 37 page paper on Phenomenology and Poetry. It was a hellish process, but I wanted to create a work that would inflict pain on those that have to read it.

We are talking intellectual masturbation to the core.

Here is part of the abstract:

Theoretically grounded phenomenological methodologies offer powerful tools that provide diverse understandings of the various existential elements of...
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Ha ha! I think it makes perfect sense wink
Maybe in my next life I will update this regularly and be more social. Or, maybe in a few weeks.

I am not the biggest fan of video games, because I get addicted to them. However, I decided to buy an Xbox and a bunch of shooter games to take my mind off of things. I have succumbed to taking "mini-vacations" within the Box because...
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i concure...untill i had to pawn my x-box for money for rent, it was my best friend.... frown
only four more weeks in the sdemester after this one, at least here, so hang in there smile
yes, yes, yes--be cautious of the games. alotta my friends are deeply, deeply addicted to games. online, most of em. i only recently rescued my best friend from the clutches of Final Fantasy XI.
keep it simple, keep it in moderation and you should be fine.
"...it puts the lotion on its skin, or else it gets the hose again."

It gets a little dry up in these parts. I never have time to put lotion on.

I saw Atwood Gaines speak at Santa Fe. His paper was good, but he speaks so softly that I could hardly hear him!

And the lotion thing is creepy!
Yes, I want to hear the Woody Gaines stories. I would guess I'll probably run into you sometime. AAA in Washington?

I have sources for such things as:

-Culture bound syndromes - "nervios" or variety of Korean ones
-Gender, Body, Technology, Modification, Media
-first person accounts, patients & doctors, autobiography (I like to use some of that)
-Kleinman, Good and that crowd - much stuff

Other stuff too. Send me an email & tell me what you'd like.
Not much new happening.
The weather is finally nice.
I am busy.
I am currently suffering from a "poverty" of thought right now.
i'm suffering from "poverty"...the money kind. can i sell you some of my thoughts? smile
i'm suffering from "poverty"...the money kind. can i sell you some of my thoughts?
damnit, she stole my line....

poverty of thought, eh? that's spooky.

i edited because i wrote "Smooky" as opposed to "Spooky", and although "That's smooky" sounds cool, it's completely out of context.
as much as a made up word can be.

[Edited on Apr 06, 2005 2:25AM]
Have you ever had a moment when you suddenly realize that a part of your-self has changed and you cant seem to put a finger on what is different. Or, for some reason, you no longer recognize a part of yourself?

I've been going 100% for three months now with very little time for introspection (I usually devote a significant amount of time to journal...
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pot eez goooood for yeeeew! kinda. depends, are you at all attached to your memory?
dude, i just read yr dating profile thing (i'm terribly bored), and i'm sorry to say, we're not right for one another. i think we should break up... it's not you, it's me. wink
I am still grading papers. It will never end. So far, 7 students are going to visit the Dean.

I am going to be teaching the Anthropology of Health and Healing this summer. Summer courses are cool, because they are shorter, more intense, and I can have office hours at a pub and get away with it. It is a quick way for a recluse...
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you should put the smackdown on a student one day, just for the hell of it. just make it random or something.
i love office hours at the pub. theres alot to be said for the instant "friends" that come of it.
I am grading 240 ten page papers. Needless to say, it's not that fun.

Sometimes I drink beer when I grade papers. It is my way of grading on a curve. Some students ask, "will you mark our papers on a curve?" And I reply, "Only if I have been drinking." Ha, they think I'm joking.

My plagiarizer radar (plagdar) is at full power. 8%...
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... they still cut and paste in college? what school is this and why didn't i go there.
i took a night class a few years back with a prof that has a serious dependency on alcohol (somthing that apatently runs high in the anthro deprt.) it was the best class ever, it was supposed to be about the americas and their economies in prehistoric times, but it was really about what beer tastes best at what site...i learned a great deal that semester. smile
It is my way of grading on a curve. Some students ask, "will you mark our papers on a curve?" And I reply, "Only if I have been drinking." Ha, they think I'm joking.
that reminds me of George Carlin's
I, myself, have killed six people. All random, all undetected, no way to trace them to me. And, let me tell you, there's nothin' to it. It's a great feeling. Yeah, I know what you're thinking. "Aw, he's a comedian. He's just sayin' that stuff." Good. That's exactly what I want you to think.

what class are you grading for?

Because of this entry, I too will have sleep problems. All it takes for me is the suggestion that I will not be able to sleep.
Spread the love, that's what i say smile
Bad attitude day.

Such a grim world:
Think of how smart or how much common sense the AVERAGE person has, then realize that half the population is dumber than they are.

Sometimes I am a negative bastard
i think i'll join you in your attitude today. theres nothing wrong with wallowing in one's own contempt and displeasure with the world.....wallow wallow wallow smile
All the self-proclaimed prophets dressed up to look like poets
Pretendin' to be martyrs that they're not
You can learn all their names
And engrain them on your brains
Memories so you can spout them off the top
Yo kill 'em all, and let God give 'em haircuts
The flood has begun, and no one has been paired up
So I'ma take a second and beckon the downfall
Of your so called civilized nation
Yo stop the sound now!

OK, I'll update. But, I will make you pay. Life has been non-existent, as I am overloaded with grading papers, 240 students x 10 pages each. I am working on three writing projects, have the responsibility to run a theory seminar, and the list goes on. I am currently hopped up on cold medication and caffeine. I caught myself thinking that if I had a...
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i feel for you, i loathe linguistics. i have to start a field project for one of my linguistic classes, i'm not looking forward to it. it sounds like your grading papers from a mental/medical linguistic view... i can only imagine.
ummm... well i would've went with the ritilin.. so i got nothin. sorry
I am in love with Simone de Beauvoir; before I get to that, a public service announcement:

First, bulk fake bacon-bits are damned good.

Second, Existentialism is not nihilism. The coffee-shop philosophers have and continue to misinterpret existentialism as being this negative angst-filled teen philosophy. Although existentialism discusses what some may see as dark issues, its end result is ultimately optimistic. Discussions of purpose, meaning,...
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umm i have "problems" with philosphy... with that said my knowldge of nihilism is confined to the big libowski. sooo, um i did read an ann rand book....no i'm lying, i just looked at the pictures. ...ignorance is bliss smile
long hair does kick ass. in HS i had long hair,but i also wasnt able to grow facial hair and since i have rather effeminate facial features, i was always referred to as Ma'am...which fucking blew.
i say, grow it back--Fuckum!