Hey, sorry to everyone on my Friends' List for not saying hi for so long. Things have been craaazy!
The bad news? I have to go back to South Korea for 3 weeks...
The good news? I'm getting a new car when I get back. Apparently, my insurance adjustors figured it'd be easier to call the old one "totaled" as opposed to go through the process of counting all the broken parts. Works for me!
In other news, I think I'm finally ready to go to my doctor and admit that my knee is fucking killing me. What can I say? Static line parachute jumps are a killer on the body. Some sort of surgery is probably going to be facing me in the very near future. With any luck, I'll be considered for one of those "6 Million Dollar Man" projects that are likely the REAL reason behind our deficit!!!
Hope you're all doing well. Fayetteville is kind of boring--if you're around NC or Charleston on or after September, drop me a line and I'll buy the first round (at least!).
The bad news? I have to go back to South Korea for 3 weeks...
The good news? I'm getting a new car when I get back. Apparently, my insurance adjustors figured it'd be easier to call the old one "totaled" as opposed to go through the process of counting all the broken parts. Works for me!
In other news, I think I'm finally ready to go to my doctor and admit that my knee is fucking killing me. What can I say? Static line parachute jumps are a killer on the body. Some sort of surgery is probably going to be facing me in the very near future. With any luck, I'll be considered for one of those "6 Million Dollar Man" projects that are likely the REAL reason behind our deficit!!!

Hope you're all doing well. Fayetteville is kind of boring--if you're around NC or Charleston on or after September, drop me a line and I'll buy the first round (at least!).

I have a lot of Turkish friends, none of which are in any way racist to Kurds or Americans or anyone. As well as I have a handful of Muslim friends, all of which very much agree that 911 was nothing less than horrendous and are openly disgusted by it.
I haven't been to too many different countries, much less third world countries. I've visited Haiti and Jamaica, but both cater to US citizens in a way. As in, you can go to Haiti and have a good time provided you have a credit card and aren't a total asshole. And most people speak English. But I think that being a visitor in a country like Korea, or say Bangladesh, would be a totally different experience.
I have family from Bangladesh and my father visited there not too long ago. He had an extremely difficult time getting by on his own, what with all of the cultural barriers, but said that most everyone he met was surprisingly friendly and as helpful as possible.
It's good to hear that Korea's youth are acttively involved. I suppose it would be hard not to with Kim around. There's got to be a quicker way to get him out of there besides waiting for him to croak.
My point was NOT that our military is full of evildoers. Not at all. Only that we need to remember that war is serious business, that suffering is real. Too many of us, myself and our President included, have no real experience with this kind of horror. I only ask that we remember more than just 9/11. I hate to see 9/11 used as a rallying cry for justice or revenge, when both ideals are never achievable. Solutions can be found, but we need to act rationally. Yes, I believe that war can be fought rationally.
[Edited on Sep 11, 2004 8:59PM]