biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin

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well crap

I just got off the phone with my dad my Mom was in the hospital today, to remove a tumor. This is after they removed the exact same tumor a year ago. it looks likes Its spreading they'll be talking with the oncologist (cancer specialist) tommorow, or the next day, to see if there is something...
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yay! i hate when my ears are plugged and i go around going "what?" all day long.

oh, and i don't have a hammer. so maybe i'll try the stapler. it's heavy enough to smash things.
sorry to hear about that.
I am almost completly deaf in my left ear. I was cleaning it, and like the dumbass I am, I zigged when I should have zagged. Headphones, phones, on the bus, nothing out my left side. The pain is mostly bearable, but it throws me off balance, so trying to correct it hurts my knees.
Are you kidding? I mean was this s recent occurence? Will it get better is is that it?
That sucks man. I'm sorry...

I have a sinus infection.

I'm trying to get rid of some of my computers, so I set one up, and restore it to working conditions. Yay for stupid ideas.

I hate x86 hardware. I hate not having complete drivers for my hardware. I hate having a beautiful monitor, and considering throwing it out, because it might not fit in the closet when I...
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I need to read those Dark Tower books again. I think I got to the third one a long long time ago......
book list!
Today's my birthday (23), I made out pretty well in the loot department:

Futurama season one on DVD, SG playing cards, a megatokyo poster, and a $50 gift certificate to Borders.

I got Animal House: Double Secret Probation DVD, Baseketballl DVD and NIN: And All That Could Have Been (Live) DVD from Borders.

Yay loot!

We just got DirectTV, and being the MAN that...
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i'm a little late, but happy birthday!

and you're younger than me? huh. wouldn't have guessed it.
Happy very belated birthday! smile
we finished moving a few weeks ago (like 6-8 weeks ago).

somehow, during the move. my i386 workstation's harddrive had its geometry changed. From LBA to 'regular'. Whenever I change it back, it totally fucks up the geometry, to impossible values (I don't have 8 billion sectors in the first 250M of the disk, thank you very much). So I had to wipe and re-install....
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uh, yeah. ummm. I have no idea what you said but hope that works out for you. I am blissfully (and sometimes not so blissfully) ignorant of that kind of stuff...
We're moving. Like nowish. The wife started moving stuff while I was at work, now we're taking a food break, and we plan on moving the rest of our room tonight. Her parents are bringing a trailer with the rest of our wedding presents, and helping us move the big stuff. Yay! our own place.

Started the DSL move, and since my ISP is cool,...
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yay for your very own house! i'm so excited for you guys.

and i can't believe you remember os6. that's crazy. you're so old school.
hey, I remember you! It was nice to meet you oh so long ago, but hopefully we shall all BUMO again....
I think I might get Gir, wearing his dog suit, but with the hood down. Maybe not. I'm gonna think about it, since it will be on me forever.

I need to de-slack. I'm so lazy. I have so many projects I want to work on, but when I go to sit down with them, I get (maybe) 10 minutes of work done per hour....
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Dude, those eyes, that sexy smile. *drool*

If you figure out how to de-slack, let me know, babe?

I love you!
yes..classic is better than a pc any day. but still....i guess it's because i never had a mac before 10. and yes, it's the same, but it isn't. for the same reason i don't like using other people's computers, even if it's the same as mine. ok. i'm lame.
I got my labret pierced yesterday (hmm, I should update my profile). Didn't hurt at all, and (thankfully) the girl pierced me on "2", not "3". Well, she didn't count, but she had me lay back, clamped my lip, put the cork on the inside of the lip, and gave me the instructions. She said she was going to tell me to breath in through...
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it was nice to meet you and your girl, too! and yes, yummy food.
gir is cute.

try temple tattoo in oakland or everlasting in sf.
so I'm back from my honeymoon, with AntiPrincess. outstanding. well, except for the first day., but you can get that story over at her journal..

[semi-racist rant coming]
Yea, I had to bribe the fucking greedy dirty son-of-a-bitch mexican immigration official. if I wanted to give him $10, I would have had him mow my lawn! And that stupid bitch at the hotel, had the...
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