she said take me to london/tell me something i don't know

First day of school completed without any mishaps? Check. Laundry washed and hung out to dry? Check. Hardwood floor swept and mopped? Check. Dishes washed, dried and put away? Check. Shopping list completed? Check. Delicious dinner of chicken fingers and french fries cooked? CHECK. I am awesome at this whole living-on-my-own thing. Granted, it's...
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Hey! Yeah, I remember meeting you at karaokee. smile

I completely understand what you're talking about. When I first moved out, life was fantastic--colours were brighter, the air was fresher, and everything became that much more vibrant and pure. It's a fantastic feeling; feeling like you have the world by the tail. Savour it.
T minus 7


Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thanks whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud
Under the bludgeoning of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the horror of...
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Welcome to SGBC!!!
HOpe to see you at an event!
regret. always, there is regret.

Cody's funeral didn't give me the closure that I needed - surprisingly, karaoke was the thing that did it. I felt shitty at first, since I made the mistake of talking to David at the funeral. I know he has a lot of confusion and misguided anger going on, but he didn't need to blame me. I already feel guilty...
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I like the rain too. But I'm pretty sure the only day it didn't rain when I was in Vancouver was the day it snowed. tongue

The Great Achilles
thanks for a spark- wink
T minus 32

On a totally different note, I'm beginning to believe that it is my mother, not my ex-boyfriend, that is the emotionally abusive one.

T minus 44

So! Today was excellent. I spent most of it running around Edmonton spending money in various places to get various things done, and now I feel like a very accomplished adult. I sent the money order to my new roommate to pay the damage deposit and key rental fee, which made me feel grown up. smile Then my stupid class got cancelled (what...
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Your love for them is no longer a secret! Oh noes!

I admit I don't get the first shirt. I think I get the second though.

And Wet Moon was glorious. I'm done it already: I blasted through it on the trip to Calgary. I can't wait for a third book! Gah!

Also, today I very nearly bought the thinkgeek shirt that has the poem in your about me on it, but instead I chose the caffeine one. :9 mm caffeine.
T minus 52

I have an apartment! I feel like I'm jinxing it by posting it on here, so I'll "knock on wood" by saying it's like 98% for sure, but my new roommate-to-be is signing the lease for our new place on Thursday! It's a two-bedroom, two-bathroom, second floor apartment in Surrey with a beautiful kitchen, four appliances, and a washer and dryer IN...
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The two guys who turned into zombies in the first one... yeah... they're in the second one too. And the smartest person in the whole movie is an eight year old kid. Go figure.

We finished watching the one misguided rented when we were finishing taking his dreads out. And then the other day I was real damn bored and needed something new to watch. *sigh*

And the craggy face is General Adama.

The countdown begins : fifty seven days. I have a tenative apartment/roommate that I really hope doesn't fall through, and a job, and my schedule with all my classes ready to go. I'm so excited but so nervous. This is so new...

Also, I believe I groped almost EVERYONE on my friends list yesterday. That was a LOT OF ALCOHOL. My stomach was not happy...
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and... I missed it frown. The penalties of early morning workin', perhaps.
We connected most of the times! We only missed like once or twice!
I hate to say it, but I have to agree with misguided...falling for someone when you're leaving sucks and may possibly be stupid. I started packing up my room today I'm slowly starting to be excited and freak out at the same time. But then I thought about just being with him, and how he makes me smile, and kisses my forehead, and for...
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Bonne Fte!
You could try what freakpirate and I have both done in our hair right now, which is to bleach the hell out of it and use Special Effects dye. Sanctuary carries it, and it's about $17 a bottle. FP's is Nuclear Red and Napalm Orange from that line, and mine's currently Sonic Green from there and Silver from this line, which I believe they also still carry.

Bleaching the hell out of it means the red undertone goes away! biggrin
Dysphoric again. Must be the night-time. I need to finish my homework and go to sleep.
You're the second person I've seen use the word dysphoric today. It's a sign.
Not sure. I'm sure it is though. Maybe I should start using it. I have in fact been feeling dysphoric a lot lately.

Thanks! I've gotten that a lot smile It's better when it's not all faded too. Sigh.
At the moment, I believe I am displaying "...affective instability due to a marked reactivity of mood (e.g., intense episodic dysphoria, irritability, or anxiety usually lasting a few hours and only rarely more than a few days)" [DSM-IV]. I'm hoping for the few hours part and not the few days, since I really feel like I just drank like NINE fucking cups of coffee. I...
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Yikes, moving can either be a really liberating experience, or it can be a total hellfest... normally a little mix of both (but the living situation you move into plays a big part in it I think)