I'm back from the gray. Basically I turned the auto renewal off b/c my financial situation is dodgier than Dick Cheney's heart, and I waited til I was sure I'd have the cash to renew. smile
kiss Hey there, cute stuff. Welcome back. Now you can stop mooching off of me. biggrin
how did you find me? i'm impressed. i'm too lazy to make any of my pictures smaller, i figure i'm here to look at the pretty girls, nobody cares what i look like
I'm am so pissed off right now.....

Fucking Bush....GRRRRRRRRRRRR....

Nothing burns me up more than free speech trampling. You'd think the payment/sign up procedure would save us from the imbecilic rules of the current admin. Apparently not. Anyone know why we weren't spared?

mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad
I gradumatated. And then disappeared apparently. Boo. Yeah.

And moved.

And started grad school.

Oh, and I'm on a National Poetry Slam team...the first ever from Delaware! BOOOOYEAH!

Fuck...I've been busy. smile
thank you for commenting about my PSW sets! it seems very rare that a male likes rilo kiley and mates of state...so that must mean you're cool as wellsmile i hope you make it to the burlesque show, i bought my ticket now and i can't wait to go.
happy birthday! ...and congrats on all your accomplishments this year!
Must.....finish.....thesis draft.....*DIES*
Oh get back to work or something wink

wasn't it due today or something?
*distract distract*
Happy st. patti's day...i'm a little drunk and very full...very late dinner that included lots of alkies. Mmm...quesadillas...and killians....and glenlivet....
Put loving in the oven, and place a kiss on Hanah's cheek for this bald man! wink

Yeah Krissy is one hell of a woman, its a shame she is leaving.... frown
Just saw constantine. I went in not expecting much, but it really good. Quite amusing, excellent cinematography, interesting plot twists. Very good pic. Now, I understand that Keanu isn't the greatest actor in the world, but I've never minded him. I think he's far superior to Leonardo and his movies get nominated for shit..

Anyway, I highly recommend it. smile
It was hot to see you all tonght as well, any chance you guys will be joining us for leather pants night? smile
We went to Shampoo to get our groove on, much fun was had. Shame you didn't come with, but I think another trip is in the works. smile
Holy shit...yeah...I'm alive. New semester...new busy...

But I'm going to try to be better. I haven't even updated my LJ in a while. bad mattie...bad mattie...

oh well.

How fucking exciting was the new quinne set?! I had just enough free time to stare jawdroppingly at that set and then go back to C++ or social spych...or whatever the fuck i was doing that day....
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Hey all,

Semester's about to start and i'm sick...again. Oh well.

I'm going to iWPS next week in Worcester Mass, to watch the first poets from my home poetry slam, and the first from delaware, compete at the national level! It'll be awesome! And plus they have lots of fun side events and slams that hannah and I will be participating in. If anyone else...
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yuo're ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy New Year! Holy shit I don't write in here enough. I always forget. I've been better with my Livejournal--I guess I can only handle one blog at a time.

If you want to hear me and my hetero-lifemate Nigel's latest musical crackscape, go visit the i, fanblades web site. We recorded it over the weekend. This time, it's got a beat and you can...
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kiss surreal kiss
This week has been interesting. DSWA loved our designs for the new recycling containers. I think we've really come up with something cool.

This coming tuesday I will be featuring at my local poetry reading! I've gone nearly every tuesday for over 2 years, and in that time only two other regulars have ever featured. One of them was because she was leaving (although she...
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You two were incredible last night! smile
Hello people! Sorry for the long absence but school started up again.

And Hannah moved in! That's right, my long term/long distance relationship is now a long term/zero distance relationship and I couldn't be happier. Being engaged to someone you only get to see on the weekends sucks...but not more!

"Moved in" may not be correct though. Hannah and I are moving across the hall...
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thank god someone else does that.. everyone else was like yeah i talk to my self..... no DUH! everyone talks to themselves but i acctually play both roles... you night not act out weird fantasy games. like FBI or secret spy but your pretty close...YAY!...... sorry poinless rambleing
Awesome job on the recycling containers! It's gotta be rewarding doing something that contributes to the betterment of the world. I really wouldn't know firsthand. I could say that my senior projects (mostly paintings) made the world prettier, but since most of them are in my house, the prettiness-improvement factor is rather limited. But still, good for you! smile
I just saw Garden State. It's soooo good. Incredibly well written. It's like watching a novel...it's not so much a movie as it is a book you can watch. Amazing. Not to mentione Natalie Portman just rules the world. love

Many happy returns. Here's to a fruitful year!!