blah, blah, blah ........... the adult voices from a Charlie Brown cartoon ......... blah, blah, blah
Where you from dude? wink
I now believe Suicidegirls to be a government run organization. Of course I can't prove anything. I submitted an article on just how dirty Arnold Schwarzenegger is, and how the U.S. Constitution should not be tampered with for him. Supposedly Suicidegirls never got the article. Cool, I don't know if anyone will be able to come to my page, but if you can just know that this place isn't as radical as they would have you believe. And before they think of any other lie like... 'oh we didn't put your article on here because it was too long'; let me tell you they sent me an email saying that they never received it. So here comes the spin.... Whatever the case I know the place loves to mess with free speech. Anyway, if anyone can read this... and they are not with the powers that be...... check out www.arnoldexposed.com ...... thank you - this is a battle for the Republic.
I often think of suicide. My life has not been ideal, but I deal. This week was one for the toilet. I also have wanted to give up on sg, but its this site that has kept me going alittle. In this week of loss and turmoil two of the best sets ever, came out. One by Neko called "In gold", which was absolutely amazing....
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I find your distaste for media interesting...

I work in media. I am on this site. I am an awesome individual.

Giving a blanket statement to "media" is like doing the same for "police" or "doctors" and saying they all act a certain way.

I speak truths.. I hold no bias.. I do my job without prejudice.

I feel a prejudice is held when media is blamed for all and then some of the world's problems.
You know who I'm talking about the minute I say mainstream; as in the mainstream media. I'm sure you noticed that your name didn't pop up the minute you put the word 'media' into a search engine. 93% of the media is controlled, and I don't give a damn if you get mad about it. What you should be mad about is that you never get to report anything real... like anything, and I do mean anything, on how crooked the IrS, and Federal Reserve systems are. ... and don't worry, you're so far in the Matrix you'll never learn how they are ripping every single last American off, every single day with their fractionized banking system. People in the Mainstream Media are told what to report. All of us....... including you are being controlled by the super big banking systems of the world... are you scared yet... no? Then here's your pillow.... go back to sleep.
sit down, and shut up. I don't want to hear anything out of you. Not even a peep.
You sound really pissed off and honestly I know how you feel but don't give up man. smile
I do not believe that I will be coming to this site much any more. I joined the site mostly because I was lonely, and was looking for other outlets to express myself. I can tell you now few people care. And neither do I. I wish everyone luck, and the power and influence to always move their lives to the next level; as long...
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Four mor years. Lately, I have been very sad. I am so sick of the state of this country today. Here we are living in the greatest super power in the world, and it is being run by devil worshipping bankers, literally. Put any of these names into a search engine, and just read half of what comes up (they are known as): the Illuminati...
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Hey!! Happy Birthday to You!!! Hope you had a good one!!
hey I agree with what you wrote about the bible.
Until recently I didn't know that most women have two sets of lips below. I learned this off of this site. I feel so stupid, but then again I haven't made that many trips to the dark continent. I am always finding something new and amazing about the female body. Who knows what I'd find if I ever had a steady girlfriend/sexual relationship.
I have been informed that without a journal on my site i seem creepy. I didn't make a journal for the fear of being rejected. Rejection seems to be my major talent in life. I am a Christian - read Romans 7 before you condemn me for being on here. I'm into the Bible, comicbooks, comicbooks about the Bible, and Bible comicbooks. Check out www.chick.com...
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I wouldn't say creepy, but it certainly is easier to interact with people who regularly keep a journal. I will be surprised and disappointed if people actually attack you for anything you have put here. I wont deny there is an occassionally strong anti-religion sentiment here, but most of those people only get annoyed when they feel someone is forcing their views upon them. By the way i couldnt agree more with you about the current direction this country is going in. The thing that saddens me most about the erosion of our civil liberties is that no one seems to notice or care.
Yo! Fellow Austinite here smile
My brother is so into infowars.com right now. I personally have never been to the site.
Speaking of being a christian...I used to be a licensed minister! I could marry ya or bury ya..legally. Did that for about 10 yrs then had a huge "crisis of faith". After a year of trying to work it out I decided I needed to step down and move on. So, here I am!
Anyway..really just meant to say "howdy"! ARRR!!!