Well, with a good computer break under my belt and not enough money in my bank, I have come to a decision.
I am letting my membership lapse, or what have you, until whenever I so deem that I should return. Third year is sprinting close, which means prep work for my thesis show. The third year seems to be the busiest, craziest and most...
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I am letting my membership lapse, or what have you, until whenever I so deem that I should return. Third year is sprinting close, which means prep work for my thesis show. The third year seems to be the busiest, craziest and most...
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Ugh, I have dropped to 100 lbs, so the ol' man took me shopping and told me to eat more. I got a box of 24 eggo waffles...I like waffles.
I will be off of the computer for awhile, internet and SG mostly, I need to get back into creative gear for shooting Delilah's sets and designing everything for the radio station.
Sorry I've been...
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I will be off of the computer for awhile, internet and SG mostly, I need to get back into creative gear for shooting Delilah's sets and designing everything for the radio station.
Sorry I've been...
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Dood...tomorrow. Well, tonight really. I'm driving to Spokane. Wooha! That's all I have to say.
when are we going to play lazer tag again??? I thought you were not here anymore???
I like the ol' man's fastback. His brother drove it from Wyoming and is staying with us for a week. At first, the resemblance is small, but after a few days they seem so alike it kills me.
The trip to Oly was rad, we went to a smelly beach, sat around a friend's house, took some Polaroids, looked at CDs, had fun. We also...
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The trip to Oly was rad, we went to a smelly beach, sat around a friend's house, took some Polaroids, looked at CDs, had fun. We also...
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We used to go see String Cheese Incident every new years in Portland when I lived Way Out West. That was some of the most fun shows I have ever been too.
At the last String Cheese New Year's show I went to, things got so wild my boy Earl and I had to go chill out in a coffee shop for a little while. Just when things had setteled down two cops walk a naked hippie dude right past us. The naked guy looked extremely confused.
Glad ya'll had a good time in Olympia.
Take it light,
At the last String Cheese New Year's show I went to, things got so wild my boy Earl and I had to go chill out in a coffee shop for a little while. Just when things had setteled down two cops walk a naked hippie dude right past us. The naked guy looked extremely confused.
Glad ya'll had a good time in Olympia.
Take it light,
Yup, I'll be in P-town on Aug. 16th with costumes in tow. Okay, what I have so far: cutting--black satin capris, awesome black velvet platform 1960's shoes. What I need to get: wig, cheap underwear, white t-shirt that I will decorate myself (if you want to do it, that would be rad to; you're much more artistically inclined). What do you think about make-up for that one? As to where, I was actually thinking that maybe we could sneak into one of the dressing rooms in the theatre. If not, then it has to be in your basement.
classy one: Black satin 1940's Audrey Hepburn dress, hot pink fishnets, stilletto heels. Cat eye makeup, red lips, hair down. For props: Virginia Slims, martini glass, stuff to make liquid hot pink and black olives. What do ya think? This one either needs to take place in bedroom or kitchen like setting.
We need to brainstorm positions and shit. I'm really bad about thinking of crap like that. Wooha!
classy one: Black satin 1940's Audrey Hepburn dress, hot pink fishnets, stilletto heels. Cat eye makeup, red lips, hair down. For props: Virginia Slims, martini glass, stuff to make liquid hot pink and black olives. What do ya think? This one either needs to take place in bedroom or kitchen like setting.
We need to brainstorm positions and shit. I'm really bad about thinking of crap like that. Wooha!
Ha, ten words.
Ha, ten words.
You're going to Olympia? When are you coming back? Gasp, what will I to do?
So...how about this: shoot on Monday. Develop overnight or one hour or whatever. Photoshop and decide on Tuesday. Is that okay? I guess what I should really ask is what plans do you have for that week? Nancy will be purty busy then, so I'll have a shitload of free time. Oh, and I have two set ideas now. They're fabulous. Yay! Anyway, let me know what you think when you get back from Olympia. I can't help but think of Courtney Love right now.
So...how about this: shoot on Monday. Develop overnight or one hour or whatever. Photoshop and decide on Tuesday. Is that okay? I guess what I should really ask is what plans do you have for that week? Nancy will be purty busy then, so I'll have a shitload of free time. Oh, and I have two set ideas now. They're fabulous. Yay! Anyway, let me know what you think when you get back from Olympia. I can't help but think of Courtney Love right now.
I went to a wedding yesterday. Maybe if I can sort out my feelings about it I will write about it.
I apologize for the pure apathy and lame entry-ness I have been innundating you all with lately.
I am crocheting a hat out of plastic bag strips.
I apologize for the pure apathy and lame entry-ness I have been innundating you all with lately.
I am crocheting a hat out of plastic bag strips.
"Bruce Lee Vs. The Kiss Army"
so, you think you're kung fu's pretty good, eh?
i want to fight your brother
him, against me
let's kung fu!!
the smoke is clearing you can see
peter and paul stanley
kareem and bruce they've made a truce
while ace and gene took pcp
a flying kick right through the air
his foot got stuck in peter's hair
ace and gene took on kareem
but slipped and fell in afro sheen
then bruce yelled out "oh boy"
i think he meant "la choy"
kareem and bruce don't miss when throwing stars at kiss
gene now has a shorter tongue
they should have used their love gun
gene and ace escaped today
they'll live to fight another day
"Bruce Lee Vs. The Kiss Army"
so, you think you're kung fu's pretty good, eh?
i want to fight your brother
him, against me
let's kung fu!!
the smoke is clearing you can see
peter and paul stanley
kareem and bruce they've made a truce
while ace and gene took pcp
a flying kick right through the air
his foot got stuck in peter's hair
ace and gene took on kareem
but slipped and fell in afro sheen
then bruce yelled out "oh boy"
i think he meant "la choy"
kareem and bruce don't miss when throwing stars at kiss
gene now has a shorter tongue
they should have used their love gun
gene and ace escaped today
they'll live to fight another day
Hey Ninja,
Nah, its all good . . . Hey, you need any positivity hollar - I've had one of those days, i'm just thrilled to be alive.
I hope this finds you well. I love Yellow Submarine but I missed Big Bird goes to Japan.
take it light,
Nah, its all good . . . Hey, you need any positivity hollar - I've had one of those days, i'm just thrilled to be alive.
I hope this finds you well. I love Yellow Submarine but I missed Big Bird goes to Japan.
take it light,
Crocheted a new hat to go with my new hair (oh-so 1920's, gimme a cigarette holder).
Tried crocheting sandals out of old plasitc bags, but I don't like the pattern.
Bleh, triple meh.
Should I apply for SG? Delilah is dying for it, I know. If you agree, maybe I'll put some trial shots in MyPics and we can vote.
oh yeah, MEH.
Tried crocheting sandals out of old plasitc bags, but I don't like the pattern.
Bleh, triple meh.
Should I apply for SG? Delilah is dying for it, I know. If you agree, maybe I'll put some trial shots in MyPics and we can vote.
oh yeah, MEH.
um...yeah, do it now!
I'm sending them in tonight. Fuck everyone, I'm going for it.
August...I'll be there
I'm sending them in tonight. Fuck everyone, I'm going for it.
August...I'll be there

B, are you around right now? If so...I need to talk to you.
Well, I chopped the hair.
There are pictures.
I suppose I did it as a scream against the upheaval in my life, with friends getting married, losing the spiritual connection with people I have known and loved for years, freaking out about the status of my own relationship with my ol' man, staring a creative block in the claws and maw.
After I cut my...
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There are pictures.
I suppose I did it as a scream against the upheaval in my life, with friends getting married, losing the spiritual connection with people I have known and loved for years, freaking out about the status of my own relationship with my ol' man, staring a creative block in the claws and maw.
After I cut my...
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Hehehe, cut your hair too! I had ex-gfriend cut mine with a Flowbee a while back. You actually did a good job, I had to hide for 2 weeks after she had her way!
I got a new tattoo! I'm special!
Things to do:
1) coffee/window shop with best friend
2) go to bachlorette party of other best friend Sunday
3) find out if first best friend was proposed to
4) finish wedding present for Aug 2 wedding
5) go to said wedding
I don't like the trend here. Everyone is so young and so getting hitched. Jeepers.
The party sucked, but I got tipsy....
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1) coffee/window shop with best friend
2) go to bachlorette party of other best friend Sunday
3) find out if first best friend was proposed to
4) finish wedding present for Aug 2 wedding
5) go to said wedding
I don't like the trend here. Everyone is so young and so getting hitched. Jeepers.
The party sucked, but I got tipsy....
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What's going on with all the hitchin'? No! it's not allowed. Don't even think about it, sister. Is "dear friend" okay. I hope nothing is too horrible over in FG. Fill me in.
Things here are okay. I saw Joel on Thursday. Ah...I *heart* him still soooo much. Damn me!
I just feel like shit...do you know what I mean?
Things here are okay. I saw Joel on Thursday. Ah...I *heart* him still soooo much. Damn me!
I just feel like shit...do you know what I mean?
LOL if you hit the back button, after you post something, it reposts it, if you didnt know that, and you are right, more women should...
I've got "You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin" in my head. But only that line.
The ol' man bought some Polaroid Spectra film online that develops with a bottle of Tanqueray superimposed on it, with their tagline "Distinctive since 2002...Distinctive since 1830" on it. So we've been taking pictures of the cat sleeping with her tounge sticking out, a friend of ours wearing a plastic bag...
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The ol' man bought some Polaroid Spectra film online that develops with a bottle of Tanqueray superimposed on it, with their tagline "Distinctive since 2002...Distinctive since 1830" on it. So we've been taking pictures of the cat sleeping with her tounge sticking out, a friend of ours wearing a plastic bag...
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a Fan of Brautigan is a friend of mine.
i always get random lines of a song stuck in my head.. it drives me crazy... yay for crazy film bought online those pic should be fun... i used to live where people had mullets all the time...
Yesterday the ol' man and I had the whole house to ourselves, but because I am a raging asshole, it kinda was a downer. We (meaning I, since he is the kindest person ever) don't stay mad for long though, so lying in bed before sleep we had a crazy half-hour long giggle fest over poop eating. Yes, we have a very mature relationship. Then,...
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you have new favorites!
Can't wait to see the writing. Can't wait, my dear.
Nothing new to report here at all. I have been officially diagnosed with anxiety. Woopie!
Can't wait to see the writing. Can't wait, my dear.
Nothing new to report here at all. I have been officially diagnosed with anxiety. Woopie!
You can still join us. You don't need money. Just come hang out dude. I can give you my cell or something. Talk to you later. Rob
Okay, super yippie!
Cable internet (and cable) installed today, more silly ruckus of the cable company getting lost and being stupid, but I don't care anymore because I am glad to be able to surf the internet (and hang out like a shiftless layabout on SG).
Arrgh! I missed being in contact with everybody, especially a beautiful girl from Montana (oh, you know who you...
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Cable internet (and cable) installed today, more silly ruckus of the cable company getting lost and being stupid, but I don't care anymore because I am glad to be able to surf the internet (and hang out like a shiftless layabout on SG).
Arrgh! I missed being in contact with everybody, especially a beautiful girl from Montana (oh, you know who you...
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mmm. cable internet. that's one thing on my list of "shit to buy" when and if the economy gets back to normal and i start making a decent (and self-sufficient) amount of money. *sigh*
they say love is a many splendoured thing. ha. hahahaha. oh wait, that's my inner embittered 40-year-old man laughing. ignore him.
writing by hand is good. i used to write everything by hand. then type it up. but. try typing up a 200 page manuscript. ug. i don't type fast or efficiently enough for that to be practical.
glad to see your back for good. xoxoxo abound! expect something in the mail, soon.
they say love is a many splendoured thing. ha. hahahaha. oh wait, that's my inner embittered 40-year-old man laughing. ignore him.
writing by hand is good. i used to write everything by hand. then type it up. but. try typing up a 200 page manuscript. ug. i don't type fast or efficiently enough for that to be practical.
glad to see your back for good. xoxoxo abound! expect something in the mail, soon.
Hey, we're in Portland now. We're hopefully going to hang out with Demigauge and NinjaRoxy so we'll see about that. If you want to contact them and see about hanging out then that would be cool. Alright dude. Add me to your friends list.
Ohhh, it is nearly fourish in the morn. I am using the Starbucks wireless thingy. I have drunk a lot of coffee and my brain is singing with crazies.
Four ideas that have been haunting me for four years just came together in one big jello mold of a project, I hope I can pull it off. The only CD that I can listen to...
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Four ideas that have been haunting me for four years just came together in one big jello mold of a project, I hope I can pull it off. The only CD that I can listen to...
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Jonny Says:
Welly welly well..... i would like to chime in that you look good, and that 4 am rantings are the best kind, insanity is a beautiful thing, learn to control it, and then learn to enjoy it, hard but fun... then again hard only if you let it be hard. Either way best of luck on your prioject and hope it works out....... mmmmmmm... mila ..... mmmmm *drool*
Welly welly well..... i would like to chime in that you look good, and that 4 am rantings are the best kind, insanity is a beautiful thing, learn to control it, and then learn to enjoy it, hard but fun... then again hard only if you let it be hard. Either way best of luck on your prioject and hope it works out....... mmmmmmm... mila ..... mmmmm *drool*
Jonny Says:
Side note.... YOU FUCKING ROCK!!!!
Just read your movie list and ... wel yeah.. thats all i gotta say......... is BOO=YAH!!!!!!
Side note.... YOU FUCKING ROCK!!!!
Just read your movie list and ... wel yeah.. thats all i gotta say......... is BOO=YAH!!!!!!
I realized that I was sexy when I was driving through the tunnel on 26 to Portland. I was listening to Audioslave. I just got a grin on my face and smiled all the way home.
I can't wait until I receive an email!
[Edited on Aug 20, 2003]