And that's when it hit him, on a lone rainy night, What if Oswald really did kill JFK by himself, and the "conspiracy" is the conspiracy?
But conspiracies are so much fun! So mysterious! Like who will ever know the truth? And so frusteratingly mindboggling as well! mad biggrin

How's packing going?

Good to get your IM name!
BEBHS is the berkeley humane society. On 9th & Dwight sort of (about two streets south). I work there on Sundays for about an hour or two helping out with the kitties. Such cute kitties! biggrin
TGIF. For me at least. according to my Schedule From Hell (tm), it's my Friday night right now, and I'm off in an hour.

This weekend was cool though. Thanksgiving Day and Friday I had to work, but since I get paid holidays, I got paid twice as much to work. Which means I only had to work half as hard! haha. And the working...
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After a few weeks of browsing craigslist and being discouraged by how few places were open, I finally settled on a place in the City to move to in a week. It looked good enough, it's a small room in a big place, on a busy street but in a good neighborhood, with cool people who haven't yet been able to afford furniture. In other...
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"Yesterday we bowed before kings and bent our necks for emperors. But today we kneel only to Truth, follow only Beauty, and obey only Love."
-- Kahlil Gibran
GOd I wish that was the universal case...
to bad
That's a lovely quote. I think I'll snitch it - thank you!

Yup, I'm on im but only during the day when I work otherwise I'm easily reachable through here. I'll email you my im name.

I'm sorry the whole dating thing is going sucky for you. frown Hopefully, it'll get better!

Picking up girls on the train is ... chancy at best. I gave this guy my number because I was braindead from tiredness and from work and he seemed like a nice guy (I haven't heard from him yet though I think I'll give him a call tomorrow or something). Often times, guys come over really sketchy when talking to you on the train. I'd say, if there's a girl alone and she makes eyes at you (ie eye contact) more than once, then start talking to her. Sometime in there, ask if you can go for drinks or coffee with her sometime (something very non-threatening). Ask for her phone number or email and if she says no, then back off. (I don't think you would keep persuing it - you're a nice guy but there are some creepy people out there that just don't get that no means NO) (bad people...). Good luck on that. It doesn't really matter what train you're on if there are girls that are interested. biggrin

My Sorrow, when shes here with me,
Thinks these dark days of autumn rain
Are beautiful as days can be;
She loves the bare, the withered tree;
She walks the sodden pasture lane.

Her pleasure will not let me stay.
She talks and I am fain to list:
Shes glad the birds are gone away,
Shes glad her simple worsted gray
Is silver now with...
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thanks for that,
so it looks like all the awful propositions on the California ballot failed, though a few are still close. The election was a dumb attempted coup, and a big waste of money for everyone, but I'm glad that it seemed to be a defeat for Ahhnold and the rightwing agenda.

And I got to see my best good friend for the first time in months,...
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Get your mind out of the gutter, sir! Vacuum cleaners and barhopping have nothing to do with each other. Or perhaps, it's just me who is in the gutter... hmmmm... biggrin

I'm so darned glad that all of those props failed. My sis and I went out to vote and she voted yes on 73 and I was kind of amazed because I didn't think she was pro-life.

And I need to go to cha ya sometime - i've heard it's wonderful.

Darn tooting, you should feel good! biggrin
Dude, so I found the third thing that went wrong - well a couple (some were just stupid) but I never got an answer back from a girl I asked to dinner for tomorrow (you're a part of dating sucks!! I wrote about it in there). So that rather sucked.

And the couple that went wrong was not enough cute men on CSI - one of the guys had a groddy little mustache and the other one just wasn't in it enough.

I was eating in restaurants around where i work. In SF - no worries, not over here. biggrin
there's nothing like filling out a child neglect report to CPS to reaffirm one's faith in humanity.... whatever mad

Most of the people who are my clients at work are fundamentally decent people who are either unlucky or in the grip of issues and cycles that are often too hard to get out of. But there seems to be that five percent or so who are just...
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that's what you have to do, do it for the kids.
my aunt, and her wife bothwork in CPS, and that is how they get through it. I've heard a lot of stories, I am sorry to hear you had a really bad one. Take care, and remember, your doing it for a reason!!!

I like your comment on the thread about France. I will try to write something about what happened in France but it is so complicated, even in french so in english.

But what can I say is young people have no politic revendications (and it is sad). Since 10 yeards they became very individualist and capitalist and they never will be rich (because of discrimination and racism).
They only burn and destroy because they love it and because they want to do better as the neighbours. They see on TV what another people have done and they try to do better (now TV will censor number of burned cars).
When I was young, we burn dustbins, now they burn cars.
THey are very young so they do not know where are the limits (they burn a bus with an handicapted woman inside).
Ten years ago, young people were more involved into politics.

of course I absolutly do not deny racism, problems and discrminations. But they don't care about that they just want to have fun and that's why it is difficult to speak with them.

It is different to burn a car from a rich man and to brun a chool where the sister or the brother goes.

(I hate my english because my speech sounds like a speech from a woman who can vote for Bush...).

the waiting, is the hardest part, something something ....

ewww, did I just quote Tom petty? surreal

I guess love does funny things to people.
thanks for coming out...
our home? it ws lovely.
Happy Halloween/Samhain to all! skull eeek smile
yay samhain!
Porque? Yay though!
Sweet! That's awesome I'm so happy for you! Dating is great when it actually goes well and you get along oh so fabulously! Enjoy yourself quite thoroughly! biggrin
I've always wanted to put "chronometric systems surveillance" on a resume, just for laughs and to see if anyone got it.

... because that's most of what i do at work these days. sigh.

t-minus ten minutes!


ok, made it home alright! just one more day of that crap, then, um, two days off? grrr!


in other news, the pirate store on Valencia...
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what is chronometric systems surveillance?
I'm kind of slow like that... wink
autumn night + full moon + Nick Drake + herb = biggrin
I think the one Jeff Buckley song that I really like is acoustic so no problems there. Chinese pop (more like jacky cheung songs) are not like jpop. They're more like cheesy eighties songs and lounge music. I really like them but I also love the language. Jacky Cheung can always give me shivers. It's wonderful.

I got a vertical hood piercing - down at Zebra's - I love that place, the people there are so nice and very good about piercing. So far that's my second one there. The first was my left upper ear piercing. That one hurt a lot too.

Meetings suck - thankfully there's a guy in my office that I can play tic-tac-toe with. I lose sometimes, he loses sometimes but I don't think we ever tie. biggrin

How's the job doing?
thanks a bunch! hope to see you soon.