My self-shot set, Befeathered.
Thanks to everyone who's left me love so far! I really appreciate it!
If you have compliments, please leave them there! If you have constructive criticism, please leave it here or in my thread about it in the hopefuls group. I want a pink profile, so if you know what I need to do, I want to hear it!
On to Monday:
Sigh. Ever feel like you're on a giant hamster wheel, (but not a really cool one, just a boring wooden one) and you just keep spinning and spinning and spinning? That's what I feel like today.
I had a good weekend, though. Finally made the trip out to meet schiavona and K_Rex. We had a good time, even though they live about a trillion miles away! It was good to finally put faces to the profiles
Saturday was a slow day. Got some things accomplished in the store, though. It rained like a bitch in the afternoon, and March Madness is in full force, so we were anything but busy. But it's like this every March.
Sunday was a day. People were grumpy in the morning, but they settled out during the day. I moved the miniatures section, and organized it. That made me happy.
I like things being organized for five minutes til customers touch them.
I'm just sort of blah. I wish I was stronger, was better, was all sorts of things. I want to know what I believe, and feel sure of something, of anything. My life just feels too much in limbo right now. But, that's nothing but my fault, so I've got to fight through it.
Hope your Monday is full of smiles. Leave some love on my set, and thanks for reading, loves!

Thanks to everyone who's left me love so far! I really appreciate it!
If you have compliments, please leave them there! If you have constructive criticism, please leave it here or in my thread about it in the hopefuls group. I want a pink profile, so if you know what I need to do, I want to hear it!
On to Monday:
Sigh. Ever feel like you're on a giant hamster wheel, (but not a really cool one, just a boring wooden one) and you just keep spinning and spinning and spinning? That's what I feel like today.
I had a good weekend, though. Finally made the trip out to meet schiavona and K_Rex. We had a good time, even though they live about a trillion miles away! It was good to finally put faces to the profiles

Saturday was a slow day. Got some things accomplished in the store, though. It rained like a bitch in the afternoon, and March Madness is in full force, so we were anything but busy. But it's like this every March.
Sunday was a day. People were grumpy in the morning, but they settled out during the day. I moved the miniatures section, and organized it. That made me happy.

I'm just sort of blah. I wish I was stronger, was better, was all sorts of things. I want to know what I believe, and feel sure of something, of anything. My life just feels too much in limbo right now. But, that's nothing but my fault, so I've got to fight through it.
Hope your Monday is full of smiles. Leave some love on my set, and thanks for reading, loves!

care to revise your bet? i reckon at least 50:1 !!