Good gravy, that's depressing. Rubber Soul and Revolver for example, had such a flow to them which I just can't get into on the CD version. It really explains a lot but!
Okay, I'm going to have to reexamine this issue now...hmm.
"I like my coffee like I like my women... covered in bees!"
Brilliant indeed The historical stuff absolutely slays me.
(Edited because apparently multi-tasking is not my forte tonight!)
That's too funny! I got bad family news fairly recently, so I've been hearing people say "we're here for you" so much I didn't know what you were talking about for a minute there. That's just awesome, you made my morning.
Do you have any of his CDs/DVDs? A friend of mine loaned me a tape of the HBO special for "Dressed to Kill" and shortly thereafter I went stark raving nuts and tracked down a place to get all his CDs. The one where he explains about the first time he bought makeup was the one that put me on the floor.
Okay, I'm going to have to reexamine this issue now...hmm.
"I like my coffee like I like my women... covered in bees!"
Brilliant indeed
(Edited because apparently multi-tasking is not my forte tonight!)
[Edited on Mar 06, 2003]
Do you have any of his CDs/DVDs? A friend of mine loaned me a tape of the HBO special for "Dressed to Kill" and shortly thereafter I went stark raving nuts and tracked down a place to get all his CDs. The one where he explains about the first time he bought makeup was the one that put me on the floor.