Warning: heart stricken whinyness ahead.

I haven't been in the mood to be around SG lately. Strange that. Oodles of hot girls and cool people you know. Well, I broke up with my girlfriend of over a year and a half. It was pretty shit. She's a wonderful amazing woman, but we just didn't click. I knew, knew for a long time, that we would...
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But Japan is so far to drive wink
I have not taken any of the tests...I should do that though. I have been using Rosetta Stone a lot - it helps immensely... also I have some Kanji flash cards and this page for kanji [link]http://www.thejapanesepage.com/kanji/index.php[/link]

it helps biggrin I am so terrified to speak because of my accent and because I am terrible!
and when it comes to words like, "hashi" [bridge, edge, OR chopsticks... GAH] I want to die - the pronunciations are so similar... O_Oa
Since most people are partying their asses off in Thailand and other exotic places right now, the few of us still around are going to have a little New Years party tonight. I was a bitch finding a place to go since this is Japan: NYE in Japan is a quiet affair at home watching TV; cabins and camps are closed because it's a solemn...
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I know!! The kitties kill me! biggrin
I want to find out what breed that is- I must have one!

And my Japanese well -
it is coming along... I can describe things to no end, but conversation is difficult for me still, cause I have no one to practice with, and I have been teaching myself O_O

Happy new years to you!
i just saw your comment on my set, thank you very much!!! you are a doll!!! kiss kiss
We had a nice traditional Japanese Christmas dinner tonight. What is that? KFC. Yes, really.eeek In what has to be the most successful advertising campaign since DeBeers and "Diamonds are Forever," KFC has convinced Japan that the traditional Christmas feast is secret recipe-battered fried chicken (and strawberry whip cream "Christmas cakes", but that's another story). Go ahead, ask any Japanese what Americans eat on Christmas....
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Ack. I should be studying now. Just an hour ago I had a solid hour of empty time to apply to productive studying. Instead, I blew that hour reading the news and looking at naked girls. Granted, that in itself is not a waste. It's the fact that I only have 10 days before my Japanese proficiency exam, and plenty more than 10 days worth...
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Here's some hot Halloween man pr0n for you. People's questions of, "Aren't you cold?!" turned to jealousy quickly in the evening as the bar became packed hot and sweaty. Halloween is great because you're allowed to dress, and more importantly, ACT like anyone imaginable without suffering disapproval. I had a great time! (I can't wait till my new computer arrives and something as simple as...
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I AM getting swallowed by the American collegiate education system!!! I've forgotten why I disliked school in the first place tongue Darn projects and exams... Cool pics bytheway biggrin
lol thanks.
Chondromalacia patellae

That's what the pain in my knee is, worn out cartilage that allows the previously cushioned bones to rub together. It's a symptom, not a diagnosis. Of course for now the assumption is that the diagnosis is all the running for my marathon training (I've never been a runner, and I'm pretty heavy to be a runner, 195lbs). The only thing that will...
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I hope you can make it to the marathon, health quickly and rest your poor knee!
Does it hurt too much? you can always soothe the pain with warm salty water, it helps!
After a wretched cold the last couple weeks, my knee began hurting. I figured it was a small injury and could be treated nicely with ice and rest. Normally maybe so, but I think the cold severely weakened my body. After increasing pain over the weekend, and even a pool session on Monday instead of road running to avoid unnecessary impact, I went for a...
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frown I'm so sorry! hope you get better soon, let me know what the surgeon says on Friday. *big hugs*
Who would have thought finding the time to look at beautiful naked girls would be difficult?! I have something else I should be doing right now before I go to bed, but it can wait. One has to relax, right?

I ran 19miles on Thursday. I was greatly concerned afterwards because 1. I lost 3.8kg (8.4lbs) in 3 hours!! 2. my heart rate, which is...
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Err I got the date wrong, it should be around the 16th instead.

Good luck with the gf's mom, she'll love you!

Hopefully you can still run the marathon and thatwas a one time thing for you. I'm sending good wishes your way love
Oh stop. I <3 you!
I be busy. I'm training for a marathon coming up Nov 11. It's a huge commitment. I ran 18 miles for the first time yesterday. That's almost 3 hours just running. Though I wasn't able to use it yesterday, thank god I just got a new Nano to keep me company on my runs. I can multi-task and study my Japanese. That's important you see,...
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Wow, kudos on that commitment - that's intense!

Hope you are well! I'm still getting your goodies together, but it looks like you're busy with school and studies. Talk to you soon!!