Perry Bible Fellowship is the best webcomic ever. I've been reading it for years. It is sly and wry and ever so clever. And twisted and perverted to boot. This is just one of my many many many favorites:
I have not taken any of the tests...I should do that though. I have been using Rosetta Stone a lot - it helps immensely... also I have some Kanji flash cards and this page for kanji [link][/link]
it helps I am so terrified to speak because of my accent and because I am terrible!
and when it comes to words like, "hashi" [bridge, edge, OR chopsticks... GAH] I want to die - the pronunciations are so similar... O_Oa
it helps
and when it comes to words like, "hashi" [bridge, edge, OR chopsticks... GAH] I want to die - the pronunciations are so similar... O_Oa