'bout time for a new entry.

I went to see Hot Hot Heat and the French Kicks on Monday. I must say I was impressed. Lots of energy. My only complaints:
1) the crowd was filled with indie rock hipsters and Kelly Osborn look-alikes.
2) every show I've ever been to at the Met has started grossly late. I can never seem to miss the...
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to me it doesn't matter if they're arty or not...stop being pretentious, stop shopping at urban outfitters, stop asking the guys at in your ear if they have any tickets left to see "insert name of crappy emo guy who's name is a phrase ie. dashboard confessional, bright eyes here" and stop blocking traffic with the SUV you can't drive with the Nader for president sticker on it. i guess now i'm being pretentious, but it's my city too....and i want fast forward and taco maker back, not newbury comics mall style and starbucks you freakin indy rock fascists..... smile sorry... it's been one of those days
god, i love providence
You don't know HOW much it means to me that you remembered my leather jacket.... wink kiss
Last night I saw The Kings of Nuthin' at the Mid East. They never fail to amaze. Even if you're not in to rockabilly or punk they are still worth checking out. It's just a shame they can't light equipment on fire anymore. They still put on a fucking crazy show. Torr amazes me everytime he opens his mouth...well, when it's words that are coming...
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The Providence posse is coming together slowly but surely....I had a spontaneous drink at the Flats with the_nihilist last night, and he's rad.

Yes, when mimi gets back, let's have some springtime drinky fun.... smile
Well, pimping for RISD. Did you attend/or are attending? Getting a rebate? Did you get to catch the Epoxies, Groovie Ghoulies and Apers at the Middle East a couple weeks ago? That was a wild show. Epoxies were in prime and the Apers blew everyone away. What is it about scandinavian bands? Roxy was also cheery before while hanging.
This is a sad way to spend a Friday night. I promised myself I'd stay in so I can go to Boston tomorrow and see the Kings of Nuthin' at the Mid East and not worry about work the entire time. So now I'm hangin' out here procrastinating and thinking about the dull night ahead of me. It will be worth it tomorrow!

At the...
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mm.. hot hot heat, eh? they put on a good show. saw them in portland, dansed the azz off. I'm probably going to have to pass, though. the next morning I'm taking off for a few days to see the fam in pittsburgh, so until then I'm going to be mad crazy with the school work and whatnot.

so, yeah, I feel your homework-related pain. skool sux.
He goes away and then comes back. Super sly. I miss him too.
HOT HOT HEAT! Monday April 14th, The Met, Providence!

The first thing I saw when I stepped out my door this morning was a squirrel eating a hot dog. It was a fat little guy with a stumpy tail. I wish I had had my camera. Something to make me smile on yet another rainy day.

Life is good, but I miss the sun.

i was supposed to see them in albany at this really small venue on wedness day, but i was too lazy to go frown
whatever, i'm listening to make up the breakdown, so it's semi-all-good
I miss RISD alot lately. enough that I was wondering if I could try to teach there.
-the real world sucks ass.
Okay, last call. EPOXIES in providence anyone?

They're playing with a slew of bands including:
Midnight Creeps

At the Pink Rabbit (above the Sickle) 38 Dike Street Providence RI. You've been warned!
yeah , ive seen that gent . the clumsy white guy chills with an equally goofy black guy . they are like a crew of sorts , a goofy dancing crew . my favorite is the girl who has a roland groovebox and just screams into the microphone in hvd square . well , she was my favorite (until she dissed my ass) . oh well . sometimes asses get dissed .
wow, then I don't live far from you. that would be great if you showed up, though I have no idea how this show's going to go. then again, the act we're opening for is fabulous and worth seeing.

I say you me and roamingaround start a providence sg posse. that would be rad.
Epoxies hit Providence tomorrow night!!! Will I see any fellow SG fans there???? shocked
Well, it took me long enough, but I put up a pic for all the people who filter out the members without them when you search.

It's a drunken polaroid, but it's the best I've got. Pretty sad considering I do a lot of photography. Anyway, I'll borrow a digital camera and replace it asap.

hmmm. Maybe not having a pic was better than this. whatever
hey-lo boston gal !
Oh yea. I went to see DKM last night. They fucking rocked, as is to be expected. Wish I could go monday, but there's work to be done frown

-oh, please check the last entry, I made a new one instead of adding this on to the last.
...good advice...i'll do my best...
Hope you haven't all heard this one a million times, but it struck me, so here:

Naturally the common people don't want war...but after all it is the leaders of a country who determine policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or parliament or a communist dictatorship. All you have...
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There will be a picture coming soon, for those of you who stumble upon this.
yay you like good things...and your birthday is my half-birthday...and vice versa, i suppose... smile