Today I became a man - just did my first entry on the boards.

I have to finish up doing my profile one of these days.
And a great post it was. smile

I just wanted to drop by and thank you for what you wrote in the casualties study thread. My grounding in statistics and research of that kind isn't extensive, to say the least, so it was good to come across a more informed perspective.

Whoah... you've read that little book by James P. Carse? You have to be the first person I've met who's even heard of that book. I wish I still had my copy. wink

Have you read Artaud's The Theater and Its Double or anything by Hakim Bey?
I was impressed by your fine post on the boards today. Cheers!
Edit to say, personally I'd just keep it to "Edited for typos" - why give them an excuse to call you an idiot... wink
(OK, I'm a pedant.)

[Edited on Jan 16, 2005 3:16PM]