if I had any kind of skill with a camera this would have been my favorite picture of all time.
some days the sky absolutely destroys me.
I'm feeling pretty fucked up lately, what with New Orleans and the songs that come on the radio whenever I bother to listen ("standing outside a broken phone booth with money in my hand") and trying to remember to drive slowly because I can't afford gas anymore because I run red lights and go to school. trying to remember that red means stop, that when you stop you have to look both ways before going again, that when you go you can't get overeager because then it's just like you didn't stop in the first place.
this piece is called Like Father, Like Son.
is it weird that when I look at the huge black sky at night, or a mountain, or something manmade and vastly tall and beautiful.. I don't feel tiny? I don't feel insignificant? but instead I feel like the hugeness is inside me and I am part of it and it is part of everything and we are It and this is Life and someday something will work out.
run me off the road before I kill someone. sometimes I even try to take pictures of it while driving. and it's not even worth the risk of death because they always turn out blurry.

hey those pics were taken at the franconia sculpture park werent they? i used to live in st croix so i would end up going up there all the time or even driving past that place anyway just thought i would ask and well i did so now im gonna leave you be