to sum up the dorkery of this fine Friday night:
I am the kind of idiot who can spend a whole 2.5-hours-long Harry Potter movie trying to figure out who Snape is, and then IMDB him and find that he is none other than Alan Rickman, to whom I have been betrothed for some time. (it turns out the only other movie I knew him from was, cover your ears/eyes/other choice orifices, young'ns, SENSE & SENSIBILITY). Colonel Brandon reprazent! o lord.
and don't go telling me I should have known him from the Hitchhiker's Guide movie, because
A) that movie was an abomination unto mankind
B) voice work don't count for shit!
in other completely nerdtastic Harry Potter film news.. Hagrid looks exactly, EXACTLY, like InLikeFlynn. and yes I do realize how stalker-like it is of me to think such a thing of an internet quasi-pal who is often seen to wear plush novelties on his head.
in a related story, I have procured a bracelet composed almost entirely of O-rings. anyone who does not recognize the pure awesomeness of this shall promptly report to my office for a spanking, but like, the BAD kind of spanking.
this asscheek violence can be thwarted, however, if the evildoer gives me the name of Golden Earring's coolest song, and yes, there is a right answer here, and no, it is not "Radar Love."
and now that I've lost my entire readership.. I'm gone like frogspawn.
I am the kind of idiot who can spend a whole 2.5-hours-long Harry Potter movie trying to figure out who Snape is, and then IMDB him and find that he is none other than Alan Rickman, to whom I have been betrothed for some time. (it turns out the only other movie I knew him from was, cover your ears/eyes/other choice orifices, young'ns, SENSE & SENSIBILITY). Colonel Brandon reprazent! o lord.
and don't go telling me I should have known him from the Hitchhiker's Guide movie, because
A) that movie was an abomination unto mankind
B) voice work don't count for shit!
in other completely nerdtastic Harry Potter film news.. Hagrid looks exactly, EXACTLY, like InLikeFlynn. and yes I do realize how stalker-like it is of me to think such a thing of an internet quasi-pal who is often seen to wear plush novelties on his head.

in a related story, I have procured a bracelet composed almost entirely of O-rings. anyone who does not recognize the pure awesomeness of this shall promptly report to my office for a spanking, but like, the BAD kind of spanking.
this asscheek violence can be thwarted, however, if the evildoer gives me the name of Golden Earring's coolest song, and yes, there is a right answer here, and no, it is not "Radar Love."
and now that I've lost my entire readership.. I'm gone like frogspawn.
and butterbeer sort of exists outside of Harry Potter, in that there exist several recipes on how to make it, based on people's best guesses about what it ought to taste like. I always imagined that it tasted kinda like cream soda, but more gingerbread-y. And using only cream soda and butterscotch schnappes with the gingerbread spices makes it too sweet, so I cut it with club soda. It's pretty tasty when it's done.