there is a very tiny bunny living in our yard.
I have eaten so much fake meat in the last few days I think I can feel my insides turning to soy and preservatives and artificial dyes. I wonder, on the whole, if fake meat is really any healther than real meat because of all the crap they put it in it.
either way, it's fucking delicious, plus no one really has to die. more and more I think cows are the cutest fucking things on earth. also, bunnies, tiny bunnies that live in yards in the city.
I am very hungry for beans. I also just spent $7.25 on gas station candy because it has been a long time since I last had white chocolate, and the fuckers had white chocolate "special edition" everything. and Sour Patch Kids.
I am the most boring boring ever but that is because 90% of everything is crap and my life makes me very, very tired and I wish I could quit. I wish I could quit my life and drive my squeaky car to Arizona with nothing but gas station candy and a front seat full of paper. people keep asking me what I want to do when I graduate from college, and what I want to do doesn't even require a degree. but it probably won't pan out anyway and I'll be stuck working in a library until it has finished killing my soul and moves on to destroying my lungs and heart with heavy lifting and mouldering pages.
fucking, fucking A.
also, next person who tells me I'm cute gets it in the eye socket.
I have eaten so much fake meat in the last few days I think I can feel my insides turning to soy and preservatives and artificial dyes. I wonder, on the whole, if fake meat is really any healther than real meat because of all the crap they put it in it.
either way, it's fucking delicious, plus no one really has to die. more and more I think cows are the cutest fucking things on earth. also, bunnies, tiny bunnies that live in yards in the city.
I am very hungry for beans. I also just spent $7.25 on gas station candy because it has been a long time since I last had white chocolate, and the fuckers had white chocolate "special edition" everything. and Sour Patch Kids.
I am the most boring boring ever but that is because 90% of everything is crap and my life makes me very, very tired and I wish I could quit. I wish I could quit my life and drive my squeaky car to Arizona with nothing but gas station candy and a front seat full of paper. people keep asking me what I want to do when I graduate from college, and what I want to do doesn't even require a degree. but it probably won't pan out anyway and I'll be stuck working in a library until it has finished killing my soul and moves on to destroying my lungs and heart with heavy lifting and mouldering pages.
fucking, fucking A.
also, next person who tells me I'm cute gets it in the eye socket.
Well anyhoo.
Oh, and nobody needs to tell you you're cute.