Hello hello.
I'm sure I'll be returning to my usual commenting self here shortly, I still read your journals even when I'm not an active participant. If I think I've missed something or find a new person, I'll even go back a bit, get a feel for their character, how often they update, etc. Do You?
One major component is that during this time of year I get very contemplative, for a couple of reasons.
1. Burningman has just finished, and I have to go through a decompression phase. Some people will equate this to "coming down off all the drugs." It's more than that. Don't get me wrong, I did my fair share of drugs,
but you're really in a whole different society out there. For example, in BRC, I thoroughly enjoy most things that people are handing out, newsletters, gifts, fake money, etc. Where here I'm trained not to take things from people waving them in my face, let alone if they were wearing nothing but goggles, boots, and a dress made out of a yoga mat.
I'm sure I'll be returning to my usual commenting self here shortly, I still read your journals even when I'm not an active participant. If I think I've missed something or find a new person, I'll even go back a bit, get a feel for their character, how often they update, etc. Do You?
One major component is that during this time of year I get very contemplative, for a couple of reasons.
1. Burningman has just finished, and I have to go through a decompression phase. Some people will equate this to "coming down off all the drugs." It's more than that. Don't get me wrong, I did my fair share of drugs,

2. My birthday is coming up soon. That always makes me think back to the past year or five... what I've accomplished, where I want to be in the next time frame I'm evaluating, etc. 19 days.
3. A lot of people have been leaving SG. Maybe that's just how it is. I like it here. And dislike it too. I think I'll keep coming back, though. Much like life, most people annoy or bore me, but the special few really make my life better. Here's to you! Have a great weekend!
p.s. With the new great sets recently, I thought it was time for a little fav's overhaul. These are the newest sets I've been diggin on
I'm glad you have Chloe up. I knew her and Trixie long before I joined the site.
I know a lot of people are leaving, and, like you, I both like and dislike the site, but I'm staying. I see no reson to burn bridges, especially because my account has been paid through the end of the year by gift accounts, and I think it would be rude to waste that money that's been given to me.