This is my last night in New Orleans frown , but I'm going out in style... I'm on my way to Electric Ladyland where Mark is going to ink my left leg. I'm adding on to a celtic piece I got from Chad @ Revolution in Seattle. It was my first piece so it's a little on the small side, but that will be fixed in...
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Yessir, I'll buy you a drink. biggrin
just wanted to say hi and nice falcon.
I'm back... I just switched over to SG billing, it's not like I could ever leave this place.

I love New Orleans... I'm having a blast here, I get tattooed @ Electric Ladyland on Tuesday which has me all excited. Jazz Fest is really cool too, though there is too many people in the Quarter for my tastes, it's still better than Mardi Gras.

don't ever leave again....i'm glad you're having a blast!!!!
what are you having done? that's a good shop....
OK, Im trying to decide if I should go to the SG Prom or not. And if I do go, should I fly or make this into a road trip thing. So, who wants to drive down with me?

This offer only valid for residents of Washington and Oregon.

OK, I just bought my ticket, so I'm definitely going to prom now love

Finally, a picture...
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hey i remember you...we met at a sgpdx pizza get together....so me and stormy are looking for a ride...and we ahvea place to stay from the night of the 16th till the 20th.....with dave_h...and he and i are willing to give 20bucks each for gas money
YA-what butterfly said!!! gogogo to prom AND bring stormy and demi with you!!! i'm only 40 minutes outside of sf but am staying in a hotel that night...WHEE-we're gonna have so much fun! and i agree that long hair is better for pulling-if i cut it off i can't wear ponytails anymore either...what to do what to do....
Town was dead last night, so we came back and made our own fun. The weather is still behaving like Spring and the stars were in full effect. Theres nothing like the first beach fire of the year. But this soon ended as the tide began to rise and extinguish our bonfire. This meant it was time for Naked hot tubbing. Ohhh, this must be...
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naked hot tubbing should be an olympic event...and sleep is overrated
It finally feels like Spring is here. Its all warm and sunny out today, so I celebrated by going for a quick swim in the bay when I got back from the gym. Looks are deceiving though, cause that water was fucking cold. Still I felt cleansed.

Last night sucked. I tried going to sleep around 1:30am, but my mind wouldnt turn off. I felt...
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Hey - you're Anne's portrait buddy! wink
let's start an anxious and paranoid club....
Im going to New Orleans for a week!!!

May 1st through 7th. I cant fucking wait. I have a real love affair with New Orleans, actually, the city is more like my mistress, fun to visit, but I dont want to sleep there every night. Or do I? So a full week of hanging out @ the Hideout, Matador, Check Point Charlies, Shim Sham, and...
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Hahahahahah!!!! smilesmilesmile JANE LANE! :pp -Do you actually know a breatheing, walking talking Jane Lane.. or are we talkin the hot animated goodness Jane Lane?

-you are my new favorite person, either way! ..good thing shes a cartoon chick, we could clone her pretty easily- and we could both have her wink

xo --you rocktongue
DC I assume, rather than State?
I would really love to visit your mistress too. That's one of my mom's favorite cities to visit, she goes on and on about the wonderful food...

I loves me some kitties too, that's about the only form I get of any maternal urges. Every few years I start getting the kitten cravings... It's a damn good thing I got married or else I'd be that crazy old lady who lives on the hill with her 87 cats.
I fell for the promise of a life with a purpose
but I know that that is impossible now.
and so I drink to stay warm and to kill selected memories
because I just cant think anymore about that or about her tonight
I give myself three days to feel better
or I swear I am driving off a fucking cliff
because if I cant...
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A red wine drinker...

hmmm.....I see potential.

I missed this mornings workout, a dumbass occupied my apartment last night and wanted to argue with me because it makes him happy to argue with people who have differing views than he. Did I mention he was drunk and a dumbass? I didn't get to bed early enough to work out this morning. I've rescheduled for 7pm tonight. I should have just stayed in my bedroom... mad

And I'll bet your asking why he was at my place now, aren't you? Well, he was a guest of my roommate. 'Nuff said. whatever
Haha, true true! When are you going to come show off your fancy BMW?? I feel like I owe you a pitcher of beer. biggrin
I miss cuddling on her breasts at night, just before sleep hit.

No matter what crazy thoughts would go on in our heads during the day, or evening, those breasts were our sanctuary.

Now were half a world away from each other and I still have crazy thoughts.

I miss her breasts. I miss her.
I love that every plath nerd hates Ted Hughes. Just read your comment in ava's journal and it aumsed me...
hey, how are you? haven't talked to you in a while..... where are you now? are you really in thailand? I'm going to be really jealous if you are..... sorry I didn't call you back... my life has been really crazy lately.... I hope you are doing well......
So I had this really strange dream the other night

I was back in Portland, living in this cool old Victorian house with this girl I used to have a huge crush on. So in my dream Ruby and I were living together and she was pushing this gothic baby carriage It sort of freaked me out, as I hadnt thought about her in months,...
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Ive become completely addicted to Jenn Ghettos solo album, Sadstyle. Its heartbreaking and its brave and I love it. The Stranger has a cool little piece on her @ http://www.thestranger.com/2001-01-11/music.html But since I just picked up Cursives The Ugly Organ I will have to give Sadstyle a break. CDs are ruling my life, I finally got my collection unpacked and organized (alphabetical) when I found...
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