I hate change ARRR!!!
frown Today is my best friend's last day home before leaving to Boston. She's going to Lesley University, I'm going to miss her like crazy. ARRR!!!
I'm going insane. It's 5:18 in the morning and I'm tired as shit but I can't sleep. This has been going on for months now and I'm getting sick of it. When I finally do fall asleep it's 7 or 8 am and I end up sleeping till 3 or 4. . .yea that's 8 hours but I can't keep sleeping my life away. I've...
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take calcium with magnesium an hour before you want to go to sleep...and if that doesn't work try over the counter sleeping pills and counting down from 500. I have MASSIVE sleeping troubles and the whole OTC sleeping pills/counting sheep thing works for me most of the time.

However, sometimes I can't sleep cause I have major anxiety. Maybe yu have an anxiety issue you are not aware of? I just take xanax for mine but maybe you could try talk therapy or something?
"Lets leave this place, and say that we escaped, we'll say that there's no difference between right and wrong tonight. . . " ARRR!!!
Smiling, see...being happy is easy skull
Thanks kiss
i miss my webcam frown
Is it considered rape if you really don't want to have sex but you don't say no in time? ARRR!!!
it depends when you said no.....if you said no in mid action and he or she kept going than yes it is rape...

but boys are dumb...and can never read body language...so if you don't speak up they don't know.
you are allowed to say no at any time and your partner has a responsibility to stop.
RANDOM THOUGHTS!!!! I've got nothing. Hope everyone's having a good day! smile

grazias...you too smile kiss
The tickets may have sold out
already darlin', I got mine skull
Can someone please tell me why Philadelphia isn't a stop on the burlesque tour anymore?!?!?! I wen't to buy tickets tonight and it's just not there anymore! I'm quite upset. mad frown blackeyed

HOLA! not too much going on, still haven't been home. I found out lastnight my roommate was talking shit about me. . .she told some customers that are quite loyal to me that if I don't pay her rent she's going to throw all my stuff away. . .I hadn't even considered not paying my part . . .I'm gonna try and see if I...
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Went to a show tonight. . .first one in a long time. . .I saw Evergreen Terrace and Silverstine. . .it was a damn good time. . .My foot is all cut up cause some big chick trampled it but other than that it was a good night. ARRR!!!
Evergreen Terrace...Fallout Boy
When will bands stop raping my
poor Simpsons? skull
I know you didn't say
anything about Fallout Boy,
just makin' a point about
them unoriginal chimps.
Glad you enjoyed your show,
enjoy more things, worry less skull