's been about 2 weeks since I've been on here with enough time to update; though I don't know why I feel bad about it. It's not like any of you are hanging on my every word in order to make it through your day. I don't have to justify my absence to you. That's right...I'm talkin' to YOU.
The really shitty thing is that for as busy as I've been - I really have nothing interesting to say. Well, that's not true - I just can't think of anything right now.
Oh, wait, here's one...Another anecdote of wacky hilarity vis-a-vis my batshit insane grandmother:
Last thursday my grandmother tells a group of six-year-olds who are playing games too loudly to "Go to hell" right to their faces. When confronted on the matter of just how mean that was she replies in an exasperated tone, "Of COURSE it was mean. Why the hell do you think I said it!"
If you recall last Thursday was Thanksgiving.
My queen.

The really shitty thing is that for as busy as I've been - I really have nothing interesting to say. Well, that's not true - I just can't think of anything right now.
Oh, wait, here's one...Another anecdote of wacky hilarity vis-a-vis my batshit insane grandmother:
Last thursday my grandmother tells a group of six-year-olds who are playing games too loudly to "Go to hell" right to their faces. When confronted on the matter of just how mean that was she replies in an exasperated tone, "Of COURSE it was mean. Why the hell do you think I said it!"
If you recall last Thursday was Thanksgiving.
My queen.
I grew up in Winnipeg so I'm going to visit the family. I usually don't go there at Christmas so this will be my first real winter in about 7 years. Vancouver doesn't have real freeze your butt off winters. Thank God!