Yeah it is probably longer than I want to keep it, but I'm fascinated to see what it'll look like in another six months. 
Thank you!

This is a cross post of something I posted in the depression group...

Anger has been oozing out of me lately. I don't seem to be able to control it, I'm lashing out at the people I love and I hate myself for it. I'm not even sure where all of the anger is coming from. I wish I was still covered by the student...
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Well, I know you'll get some more in-depth and knowledgeable responses from the depression group, but I'll throw in my 2c. Maybe your anger is kind of a defense mechanism for your body/mind? Instead of wallowing in the depths of despair, you're taking a route in which you're able to externalize your frustration(s) with life?

You mentioned you haven't taken a vacation in YEARS (in a message) -- so perhaps it's time for you to 'get away from it all' and decompress, at least for a weekend.

I haven't been paid for the last class I taught and not going to get paid until the 10th and I just ran over a baby rabbit... Can I start over from January?


Agreed. I'd like a do-over.
Yeah I'm overdue for a reset myself.  :(  Or maybe we should all just cancel the rest of the year due to lack of interest?

Going through all of these boxes cleaning out a lot of old junk and I found my old ninjutsu gi, a bunch of old hockey tournament medals and my Nation Latin Exam medal. I don't know why my girlfriend thinks I'm a dork.

Your medals and ninjutsu gi are the epitome of cool. <3
I'm afraid they haven't.

My beard is almost half a year old. I need to do some trimming soon, but I was waiting on a hair cut to do that so things looked even.

Beard story 1 (about my beard):

I was telling the girlfriend a story about a guy who complimented my beard and contemplated growing his own.

My girlfriend then says, "you incite rebellion".

Me, "You are...
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Fingers crossed for the life getting better. And how long do you plan to grow your beard? =)
@mylene I don't know how long I'll grow it, it is in desperate need of a trim though, it's gotten pretty wild. 

I know the term that comes to mind when one thinks of Nimoy is "Live Long and Prosper", but for me it was his other contribution to the development of Vulcan fiction that stuck with me "Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations". As Spock he taught us to look for the emotionless logical solution, but as a man he pushed for us to use compassion.


I am tired, so this may not be as coherent as I'd like it to be or perhaps that will work in my favor. I love my girlfriend deeply, I can't imagine my life without her. But I'm afraid that I'm not the man she needs. We have some fundamental differences on somethings, mostly religion. We can work them out when it is just the...
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First off, you're coherent. Secondly, give yourself a little (A LOT) more credit. Third, if your lady thinks you are the best for her, then don't let a small hurdle like religion hold the two of you back.
We're all selfish in some ways, but I think in this situation maybe you're being a tad too selfless.

I've forgotten how to blog it seems. No seriously, I probably spent 10 minutes looking around for the button to start a new blog post.

I can't say exactly why I haven't written in a little over 5 months. It has been a wild five months. In that time we sold my house, put a deposit on house to build and eventually sold my mother's
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Smart dog! // You've really had a busy almost half a year since blogging. // Congratulations on so many things! Especially your new knowledge.

When I was 14 or 15, I had been playing hockey for 7 or so years and I had switched from wooden sticks to an aluminum shaft because I kept breaking sticks. Unfortunately I'd also discovered the ability to reshape stick blades to get the shot I wanted, and I was breaking blades left and right. Because the shaping process warped the wood.

One time...
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What a sweet and thoughtful dad! <3

We didn't really do much yesterday, still working on the unpacking phase, but we made a dent in things so tonight's menu: Smoked dry aged prime rib roast, chipotle potato salad, grilled corn salad and baked beans... probably need something green with all those carbs eh?

I love it
Patriotic penii are the best!