Thursday and still no grey death...
Got a massive tax refund, used it to take all consumer debt to zero. Wow who would have thought I'd be so happy to be 45 at looking at zero ballance. Is that the new American dream? To die debt free?
Won't be able to achieve it throug bankruptcy court, not after Bubba Bush and his cruel cronies get...
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Got a massive tax refund, used it to take all consumer debt to zero. Wow who would have thought I'd be so happy to be 45 at looking at zero ballance. Is that the new American dream? To die debt free?
Won't be able to achieve it throug bankruptcy court, not after Bubba Bush and his cruel cronies get...
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Yo click, plink wow. I looked and found I have not yet been sent to the gray graveyard. Thanks all for sweetness you sent me.
Life is odd as ever, my head is buried in the last run of correction on my stinking novel. Enough already, time to get on with the next.
I with that Erica Jong's "ZIPPER-LESS FUCK" was more than a 60's...
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Life is odd as ever, my head is buried in the last run of correction on my stinking novel. Enough already, time to get on with the next.
I with that Erica Jong's "ZIPPER-LESS FUCK" was more than a 60's...
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Well, my kid played the Knitting Factory last month, too. Do you remember when that mall was "Hotel Hell?" I had just been talking about that place, of course no one remembers, and the next night I ended up there. My life just keeps going around and around in circles.
We have the same vices. Ha!
I used to have a nightclub across the street from MacArthur Park in about 1984. It was called the Action Club (because I wanted to be first in the alphabetical LA Weekly listing) and I played a variety of music, mostly spinning mod and soul records, while booking punk and 60's garage type bands. So one night, Rodney shows up at my club. I figure this is a good thing, he'll like it and he'll promote it. Greg Shaw had been a great help with letting me have every Bomp or Voxx record I could think of, so I'm thinking Rodney is just a good addition to this liaison. The club was so packed that some nights the fire marshall would show up. There was no reason to be *disappointed* but Rodney did not like my club and left after 5 minutes. I was so bad with those *resentments* that I never listened to him or liked him ever again. Meaning ... I wish you would have kicked his ass. And I hope they didn't let him in for free!
I don't know why I'm telling you this ... I'm such a dork ... I'm still mad about when Carlos Guitarlos called me a poser when I was 17, too.
And here I am bragging about being cool in my journal, huh?
Have a great evening!
We have the same vices. Ha!
I used to have a nightclub across the street from MacArthur Park in about 1984. It was called the Action Club (because I wanted to be first in the alphabetical LA Weekly listing) and I played a variety of music, mostly spinning mod and soul records, while booking punk and 60's garage type bands. So one night, Rodney shows up at my club. I figure this is a good thing, he'll like it and he'll promote it. Greg Shaw had been a great help with letting me have every Bomp or Voxx record I could think of, so I'm thinking Rodney is just a good addition to this liaison. The club was so packed that some nights the fire marshall would show up. There was no reason to be *disappointed* but Rodney did not like my club and left after 5 minutes. I was so bad with those *resentments* that I never listened to him or liked him ever again. Meaning ... I wish you would have kicked his ass. And I hope they didn't let him in for free!
I don't know why I'm telling you this ... I'm such a dork ... I'm still mad about when Carlos Guitarlos called me a poser when I was 17, too.

And here I am bragging about being cool in my journal, huh?

Have a great evening!

well holy cow glad to have you back if even only momentarily!!
How is your son doing?? I hope it's all well. look forward to hearing about yr novel's completion too!
The shoot went fine, I was just crewing yesterday. I was so tired i slept in today.
glad you caught up on my exciting life, hehe just kiddin'.
hope to hear from you soon!!
How is your son doing?? I hope it's all well. look forward to hearing about yr novel's completion too!
The shoot went fine, I was just crewing yesterday. I was so tired i slept in today.
glad you caught up on my exciting life, hehe just kiddin'.
hope to hear from you soon!!

It is time for me to leave SG, been fun, met some realy cool cyber folks but real life calls. Flesh and blood. My lovely son is back in the fold, embraced by the loving higherpower of his understanding. I'm writing hard, and living moment to moment.
Yeah, its all good.
Yeah, its all good.
If by chance you check in ... what do you think about an over forty group?
I want to load up my .44 head down town and deep six every dealer I find. Real Dirty Harry impulse to the sad fact my boy is out on the streets shooting dope. And I'm stuck trying to type out some hope.
At nineteen we are all invincible, only now do I know from personal loss the lie inherent in that statement. People die...
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At nineteen we are all invincible, only now do I know from personal loss the lie inherent in that statement. People die...
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"You have to do your own growing, no matter how tall your Grandfather was. Old Irish proverb
God doesn't have any step-children.
Set an example, don't enable-pray.
I know what you're going through, be glad you're not a mother.
God doesn't have any step-children.
Set an example, don't enable-pray.
I know what you're going through, be glad you're not a mother.

And if you did deep six em ... I would turn my head the other way.
Bono's bittersweet vioce plays against my darkening mood. Hard times, good times. Life is in session in Eaglerock.
no dairy???? ahhH!!!! I would die, i LOVE cheese and Ice cream wayyyy too much, actually i guess it would be a lot healthier if i didn't eat dairy. you abstain freely or ya intolerant of lactose?
it's true we do have tons in common, i like it!
p.s. tonite i watched Shadow of a Doubt, and i really liked it, you know I need to see more films with Jospeh Cotton, i realize I really really dig him. I always loved him in Citizen Kane.
it's true we do have tons in common, i like it!

p.s. tonite i watched Shadow of a Doubt, and i really liked it, you know I need to see more films with Jospeh Cotton, i realize I really really dig him. I always loved him in Citizen Kane.
hehe film rights, eh? you get right down to business dontcha'?
i love mexican food too, but i especially love enchiladas which of course have cheese but albondigas is yummy and of course various tacos, etc. I hate those cheeseball fake americanized "mexican" places like El Torito and Alcapuco, i once went to one of them i cant remember which but im sure theyre all the same with a group of people who i was out with and it was like eating taco bell on a plate, barf-o-rama, but somehow those places prosper--must be the mararita happy hours. if you dont know what real mexican food is like then i guess you cant decipher whats good and what's an imposter.
Japanese and Italian are my faves. but you know i am a cheese-a-holic.
I saw Spellbound today in class and i thought of ya', its amazing how much is going on in that film, period wise, art wise, motif wise, modernism wise, etc etc etc Hitchcock's work is just so chockful of symbolism and philosophy, i am really starting to dig his work.
next week we see stage fright then rope!

i love mexican food too, but i especially love enchiladas which of course have cheese but albondigas is yummy and of course various tacos, etc. I hate those cheeseball fake americanized "mexican" places like El Torito and Alcapuco, i once went to one of them i cant remember which but im sure theyre all the same with a group of people who i was out with and it was like eating taco bell on a plate, barf-o-rama, but somehow those places prosper--must be the mararita happy hours. if you dont know what real mexican food is like then i guess you cant decipher whats good and what's an imposter.
Japanese and Italian are my faves. but you know i am a cheese-a-holic.
I saw Spellbound today in class and i thought of ya', its amazing how much is going on in that film, period wise, art wise, motif wise, modernism wise, etc etc etc Hitchcock's work is just so chockful of symbolism and philosophy, i am really starting to dig his work.
next week we see stage fright then rope!


Heart stung, and sadden. I look out across the cyber abyss and wonder if this is the best place for a flesh man to survive.
What price would you pay for true and real Love?
What Price would you pay to have your lusty desire fulfilled?
When Lust, love and friendship collide, does anyone survive?
Yup just more ramblings....
What price would you pay for true and real Love?
What Price would you pay to have your lusty desire fulfilled?
When Lust, love and friendship collide, does anyone survive?
Yup just more ramblings....
I sincerely thank you for keeping her in your prayers, it means a lot to me.
and your thoughts on the flake factor and the success factor in the business, couldn't be truer!
I really dig your style and your insight on everything--it's intoxicating.
and your thoughts on the flake factor and the success factor in the business, couldn't be truer!
I really dig your style and your insight on everything--it's intoxicating.

i think however much it costs to keep it in storage until i'm ready to experience it again is a reasonable price. and the answer? yes, but just barely.
Rewrite is closing in on finish. I'm fighting to keep my voice clear in the face of agents and book pimps who all wish you would write like some other best selling writer. At the end of the day all i have is my voice and my willingness to scream.
Wake up, suit up and have fun.
Wake up, suit up and have fun.
I've always wanted to see Wings of Desire, I think I will put it on my queue to Netflix!! The Dresden Dolls sounds pretty interesting, i've heard/seen their name before.
Okay, answer time:
When did you fall in love with film?
I've loved watching films with a good perception and understanding since the age of 6, before that I can't be too sure of my judgment. However, it's when I was about 16 that I started contemplating a life of it.
What film do you wish you had made?
ahh! this is a tough one...I'm going to say, Days of Heaven, it's the most beautiful visuaL poem I have ever seen.
What atracts you most (Scent, sight, sound, thoughts etc.)?
Definitely, thoughts. I love the brain, the dreams, the ideas, all of it.
[Edited on Jan 26, 2005 6:51PM]
[Edited on Jan 26, 2005 6:52PM]
Okay, answer time:
When did you fall in love with film?
I've loved watching films with a good perception and understanding since the age of 6, before that I can't be too sure of my judgment. However, it's when I was about 16 that I started contemplating a life of it.
What film do you wish you had made?
ahh! this is a tough one...I'm going to say, Days of Heaven, it's the most beautiful visuaL poem I have ever seen.
What atracts you most (Scent, sight, sound, thoughts etc.)?
Definitely, thoughts. I love the brain, the dreams, the ideas, all of it.

[Edited on Jan 26, 2005 6:51PM]
[Edited on Jan 26, 2005 6:52PM]
heehee yeah i know what you mean about editing teachers not having a sense of humour, we have all dealt with that!! we edited Gunsmoke last term. this term is hill st. + Buffy the vamp. slayer hahaha.
okay, talk at ya later!
okay, talk at ya later!

Saw million dollar baby, damn clint has come a long way from "Any wich way but loose." He has become one of my favorite directors. he makes it look effortless and easy.
Went to my late night meeting last night, slept in, napped, had a groovy sleppy sunday. Now I'm fighting the damn the weekend is over and I didn't get enough writing done blues....
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Went to my late night meeting last night, slept in, napped, had a groovy sleppy sunday. Now I'm fighting the damn the weekend is over and I didn't get enough writing done blues....
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quite so, actually. thank you for your post.
I'm going to be turning grey for a bit. I have a project that I need to get done, and this site is just too addictive.
I will be back in the spring...I should be finished with my project then.
I will be back in the spring...I should be finished with my project then.
Come and let the shadows take you, deep into the shrouded corners of my home. See the sleeping child, so sweet his breath, so tender the flutter of his chest. Quiet now, don't wake him. Fear the raging child, gnashing his pointed teeth. Let that one lay.
Climb the winding stair, see the old man, smoking his pipe he watches out to sea. Is he...
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Climb the winding stair, see the old man, smoking his pipe he watches out to sea. Is he...
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How do you define fidelity in the modern world?
Do you feel online flirting is cheating?
Going to a strip club?
Getting a lapdance?
Playing with a dildo shaped like another mans unit?
Fantasising about Benisio Del toro while with your man?
Wher on the slippery sands of our modern beach do you sraw the line?
Do you feel online flirting is cheating?
Going to a strip club?
Getting a lapdance?
Playing with a dildo shaped like another mans unit?
Fantasising about Benisio Del toro while with your man?
Wher on the slippery sands of our modern beach do you sraw the line?
I agree. I think it is all in the heart.
you set the line with each other. C'mon now, you know here it is to yourself and each other. You never need anyone else to tell you, shamus.
Warms my heart...