i love that i have friends who will risk getting re-sick because they felt bad that they got me sick and wanted to come take care of me.

we love videogames.
tell her how you feel tell her how you feel .....blah blah thats what i keep hearing
but how? and what if it fucks things up
tell her you have sars, see if she runs away.
i came home from work and passed out for 4hours.....i had a really wierd dream. m0use was in it....it was just wierd.
it couldn't have been much weirder than mine last night.

just remember not to watch 70's porn just before falling asleep...
huh?what? show me what you got, rub it against my thigh
okay, but it's pointy.
Wow that sounds like one awesome trip!
But, sadly, if it's this coming weekend I have to go to CT to visit my folks for Easter (and to celebrate my birthday early)...
Damn, I'd hate to miss all that wrestling!
oh shit mud wrestling party in maine!

sue fucking rules.
i don't know, something about a bunch of chicks,
rolling around in the mud,
sounds kinda gay...

hell yes, that's what I keep saying...
im feeling better today i suppose...... this is not an ideal situation i am in.....and it probably never will be, so why do i have to be so emotional? yes its hard with someone you connect with on so many levels leaves.....all you can think of is i miss her i miss her i miss her......and think about how she is probably waking up next...
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oh why must i torture myself?

'kissed' is playing on a loop.

i hope she does not forget me once she gets the attention she deserves.....

yes her new album has cindy blackman and jason mercer on it, and it will draw attention....i just hope she remembers me.

this is Mahogany and i.
i cant describe tonight...... except that im ready to hop on a plane to NYC for her.
she has a girlfriend....but the way she acts towards me its like she doesnt.

oh also i ran into another ex tonight....this time it was my arch nemesis. so fucking awful

but its all okay because Mahogany had her hand on my ass...
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the boston lesbian scene is retarted. i went to a show tonight and reckognized everyone there. knew half of their names and dated several of them.