I shouldn't let assholes bother me, but sometimes their words or lack thereof stick in , That fat kid in portland that got his fat heart squished like Jelly when i used to stick needles in my arms and tell lies that tasted like candy and turn tricks at 4 am. He writes me these letters occasionally, calling me a whore. Queen whore motherfucker. This other asshole that spit sperm out of his christian cock into his christian woman and she opened her legs, and there i came, Born to lovers in a religous cult, chasing me with wooden spoons, My child dreams were full of the virgin mary and jesus and god until i learned to worship Mary Magdalene and Joan of Arc. Learned how cold it can get sleeping outside in the winter time at 14 and now he's going to jail for drug distribution and dragging my whining mother with him. he answers his phone and pretends that he is getting speeding tickets. "I can't talk now" And i know now why she blew her brains out on your answering machine and now you don't like to talk to death on your cell phone, But i'll call you anyway because you are famous and i need money for that van asshole.
Fat hearts squish, you can stomp on them and watch the blood squirm, jelly faggot, You fucked away my soul, but i never did kiss you, and i have nothing left to pretend anything anymore so have fun with your band, you're definitely pretentious enough to be a rockstar, trust yo, I've befriended many famous people and they are all assholes, just like you.
Love, Lily
Fat hearts squish, you can stomp on them and watch the blood squirm, jelly faggot, You fucked away my soul, but i never did kiss you, and i have nothing left to pretend anything anymore so have fun with your band, you're definitely pretentious enough to be a rockstar, trust yo, I've befriended many famous people and they are all assholes, just like you.
Love, Lily
i've seen it before.
bloody stumps beating lily.
power. edge. did i mention power? keep singing your bitter hymn into the sweet screens that mask us all.