2. Who's into Holiday decorations indoors and out? Neither big time decorating is Halloween only for me.
3. Do you have any family traditions during the Holidays? My mom, brother and I buy a new ornament each year
4. Do you have any Holiday Charities you donate to or participate in? I volunteer for the food drive at the zoo
5. Favorite Xmas song? Christmas shoes
6. Who's Shopping Online? Mostly Amazon
7. I think shopping local & supporting local bussiness owners is important during the Holidays. What's your opinion on this? Great idea
8. Favorite things to do during the Holidays? Watch Xmas movies
9. Anyone wait to the last minute to go Xmas shopping? Usually
10. New Year plans? Probably working
11. Has anyone ever gotten stressed out over the Holidays? Every year
12. Do you have a budget or no budget? I have a range for everyone
13. New question: What one thing would you change about Xmas ( in amerika )? Less gifts
More family
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