
All things gaming: new school, old school, PC, Xbox, Playstation, Handhelds, etc! Discuss gameplay, modding, and anything else gaming-related!


A group for discussion and recommendation of Comic Books and other things that fall under the category of Sequential Art.


This group is for people with tattoos , people who do tattoos , and people who might be thinking of getting a tattoo . You can talk about who your favorite artist is , or where the best shop in your town is located . Share a picture of your …


A club for the horror kids, since there are ever so many of us around. No particular era, genre, or medium. Talk about Lovecraft and Barker, Vincent Price and Tobe Hooper, or Resident Evil and F.E.A.R.

pnp rpgs

When the only thing deciding life and death is a roll of the dice ... When what stands between you and your life's goal is a twelve foot tall black dragon ... When you feel the only way to get your way is through Dominate ... When you need to …

sports zone

"sports, sports, sports, sports" -Homer Simpson For sports fans and participants, team sports and individual!

doctor who

This group is bigger on the inside than it looks from the of the original or the revival, this is the place for you. Looking to trade internationally? Here's the worldwide Who connection. Join now, or we will EX-TER-MIN-ATE!


All things related to tv shows and cartoons! Woo! Please don't spoil anything!