I think I hate buying bras more than I hate any single other thing on this planet. It was fun when I was a frisky young 'B' cup, but this 40D shit leaves me with very few options which are both comfortable and look good under T-shirts. The only ones that seem to work are the new Ipex ones, and, well, how many $50 bras...
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well, I wish I knew your pain in the whole bra buying thing, but, uh, yeah, guys don't buy those unless they do drag, and, I don't look good in a dress heh, anyway, just thought I'd leave a little message, so hi, and how are you doing? good I hope

Gaah...longtime no see. Too many logs and blogs and sites and stuff to keep up with...besides my offline life, of course.
Also it sometimes just kills me to be here, lookin' at really hot girls when I neither HAVE a hot little body any longer (oh, what I wouldn't give to be 21 again...) , nor could I ever successfully hook up with the hotties...
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Also it sometimes just kills me to be here, lookin' at really hot girls when I neither HAVE a hot little body any longer (oh, what I wouldn't give to be 21 again...) , nor could I ever successfully hook up with the hotties...
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How did you happen to stumble on my profile? Being from El Paso.
Did we meet at an SG event?
Did we meet at an SG event?

So at dinner yesterday we were discussing my ADD and how everything that I've ever considered one of my personality flaws is accounted for by this one giant diagnosis. My dad said that about a decade ago my sister had said that I have no sense of future.
My knee-jerk reaction was to feel hurt, but it's a positively succinct summary of my life. But...
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My knee-jerk reaction was to feel hurt, but it's a positively succinct summary of my life. But...
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So i don't really understand what you just said, but goddamn you like Bowling for Soup and you're hot, so that's good enough for me.
I totally know how you feel! Oh, my god.
Through an odd series of events, I've been diagnosed with Adult ADD. ('Cause depression is soooooooo 1990s.)
Hey! What's that shiny thing over there?
Hey! What's that shiny thing over there?
Where?? Where!! (i'm like a crow. I *heart* shiny things!)
That's ok, I'm still here, and happy to hear from you...
Being a mommy is alot of pressure, I'm always feeling like I'm going to really fuck up my girl's emotional development...
I tend to be a little unbalanced.
I think that my daughter will also be an artist someday, and she'll most likely understand that an image is just an image, and I never intended anything bad by taking her photos and using them as reference material...ok, so it's more than that, but scary looking representations can be interpreted in positive ways...
Hey, if you are in a performance, please let me know, I LOVE theatre, ok???

Being a mommy is alot of pressure, I'm always feeling like I'm going to really fuck up my girl's emotional development...
I tend to be a little unbalanced.

I think that my daughter will also be an artist someday, and she'll most likely understand that an image is just an image, and I never intended anything bad by taking her photos and using them as reference material...ok, so it's more than that, but scary looking representations can be interpreted in positive ways...
Hey, if you are in a performance, please let me know, I LOVE theatre, ok???

I got a new couch today. Well, a new used couch. Very nice leather number, well-loved and cared for. We took the coffee table that went with it, too.
Our living room almost looks as though adults live there. It's remarkable.
I'm not sure what I'm going to do with my Pier 1 pull-out love seat, now. Sure, it was dinky and way too squishy,...
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Our living room almost looks as though adults live there. It's remarkable.
I'm not sure what I'm going to do with my Pier 1 pull-out love seat, now. Sure, it was dinky and way too squishy,...
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Yeah that is a good idea,that way you can go and visit your old furniture if you miss it.
Make sure you invite me, I like free stuff. I'm especially fond of the torn and tattered.

The profile won't let me choose fewer than 5 Suicide Girls in order to display them.
But what if I don't want to commit to that many girls yet, huh? What if I want to take my time, savor their photo sets, and add them one at a time?
This is too much pressure with a bad tequila hangover...
But what if I don't want to commit to that many girls yet, huh? What if I want to take my time, savor their photo sets, and add them one at a time?
This is too much pressure with a bad tequila hangover...
Like dkmfc said ..... matter of fact I have none.
I couldn't figure out how to choose less than 5 either, although there must be a way to do it because I've seen people only have a couple. I think that site features needs some improvement.
It is cruel and unusual punishment to make students do elaborate projects on ancient technology. It's cruel not only to the students, who are often younger than the computers they're forced to work on, but it is also cruel to teachers who spend hours and hours trying to make the technology work for such required projects.
I swear, these Macs we're on are about 12...
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I swear, these Macs we're on are about 12...
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Well It was closed for incoming but if you need to get your car you can go in but obviously the po-po's new I wasn't there to retrieve my car. Oppression man!
Down with the man!
See the obligatory extreme close-up self-portrait to your left. Observe the lovely bicep tattoo. Old people love it, and on special occasions I color in the wings with gold glitter make-up. I'll try to get pics of my other tats up soon.
saw your entry in the geezers group. i'd kill to be 29 again.
let me be the first to give you and early welcome to geezers!!
hope it's all you expect it to be.
let me be the first to give you and early welcome to geezers!!
hope it's all you expect it to be.

My baby boy is turning 1 year old today. What a crazy, crazy year it's been. It seems like just yesterday I was hyperventilating while having an epidural injection, and now I have this ridiculously active, tempermental toddler living in my house and literally stealing the dinner from my hands.
The greatest thing about having Atticus is that I get to buy toys now. He's...
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The greatest thing about having Atticus is that I get to buy toys now. He's...
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My daughter just turned 4 last Monday-she's got so many toys-it's like toy Heaven-for both of us...
you're too cool if you named your son Atticus. turnign 1 is great but trouble is directly ahead. my Pants started hsi terrible two's about 8 months early adn recently has taken to fits of not walking. he'll be 18 months in a few days. a toy is whatever your not supposed to touch
I won a free iTunes download in my Pepsi. Can I get a "whoop-whoop?"
Texas legend Kinky Friedman is running for Governor. This state really needs the fresh blood, so I've signed up as a volunteer. C'mon, my Texas brothers and sisters...let's get Kinky in '06!
Kinky Friedman's Site
Kinky Friedman's Site