Since the 14th, I have been working everyday and it seems like forever. Saturday morning I started to feel ill, and Saturday night it hit me full blown. And I worked sick, 9PM to 9AM. Got home, felt even sicker, I took some benadryl and robutussin and it knocked me out by 12PM. I didn't wake up till 8PM and got to work at 9:30....
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You know you're doing good when.....

you look someone in their eyes and see them for what they truly are. Last night, someone came in bleeding and said he was run off the road and got thrown off the motorcycle, and he wanted help kick starting his bike, or just hanging out on my parking lot for a little while. It would have been believable,...
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skull Attention all assholes! skull

You're all gonna grow old, you're all gonna live a sad life, you're all gonna die. So will I, but don't fuck with me about your problems.

So... Get over it and stop pushing your boring ass lives on me. I work, I pay bills, I deal with a lot of shit daily, and you know what? I'm not sad. I'm actually...
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Feel better now that you've ranted? smile

Do you often beat up customers?

Remind me to be extra careful when shopping in Jacksonville.
Only when they have the nerve to try my patience and dare ask me to risk my future over their dumbasses, that's all.. I'm usually really nice to everyone I meet, but there's a few I really do not like.

The Savages are upon me
and I feel my flesh
Burn beneath the teeth
of their indifference

Uncaring eyes stare at
little Timmy because
he was a cripple
staring, uncaring eyes
of criticism

People look down on
good people such as
Elton John just
because they have
a different sexual orientation
from them

I saw a woman
whose teeth were
straight like
White picket...
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Timmy from South Park?

I look down on Elton John, but not because of his sexuality.
Timmy was a name I thought up, It actually comes from A Christmas Carole. Elton John was just an example, I could have used anyone, like the lead singer from Queen or Smashing Pumpkins.
Busy busy busy...

The past 3 days I worked, I have 41 hours. And that's not the end of it, I have 2 more days at 8 hours minimum this pay period. Meaning I'll have 57 hours if I don't work any more doubles this week. We had the manager quit after his vacation, and I've been placed into a position of leadership over 3rd...
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Do you mind me asking what kind of work you do?

Yay for money!

Good luck with the home search!
I work at a gas station. It's fun, it's night work, I love it all.. The people I work with makes it worth working there.
What is the meaning of life?

The meaning of life is to live. There is no other meaning. How does one live, though? I feel like I am Chi, a persocom. Something that's supposed to be unfeeling and unlovable. So... What do I say to that? Screw society and all the traditional barriers and find the true meaning of life. And not solve it by...
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I am so confused. I don't know what I want, or what I love. All I know is that what really matters is that I live only for the love of life. Confusion at its best, I suppose.

In other words, I'm at a midlife crisis at the age of 26. ha! Or is it depression? No, it isn't that. I am at that point...
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What's the decision you have to make?

It's not a midlife crisis, it's a quarter-life crisis.

Your decision sounds really important though.

If you ever want to talk about it, feel free to talk to me.

Yes, I'm a stranger, but I'm a pretty decent listener.
The left sounds as if it could be a very enjoyable place....though you say at a lose of friends....true friends will always be arround.. whether they live next door of a few hundred miles away. They wqill be at youe side for fun and laugher an dbe ther first to offer an ear to listen or shoulder to cry on. simple friends come and go.. real and true ones will always walk the path by your side and be there to catch or pick you up if you should faulter..never lose self.....fore if you do...not even friends will matter...

Always there
D skull
My first post! Dude... I was getting so pissed at all of this. I'm trying to figure out how to blog here and I couldn't figure it out. Of course this was after failing on attempting to get a myspace account and all and getting the wonderful:

Sorry! an unexpected error has occurred.

This error has been forwarded to MySpace's technical group.

You know... that...
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You got your blog cherry pop'd wheeee, and now I shall thrust forht and pop ye ole comment cherry by being the first to say your a crazy yet cuddle and lovable lil furry. hehe

D love
Welcome to SG!