Just sayin'. Voting for a "lesser evil" is still voting for an evil. Also, you stand a greater chance winning the lottery than having your measly vote change the outcome. So if you're disgusted with the choices, abstain.
Sometimes there are small parties with honest candidates who deserve your vote. Voting for them sends a message that one more citizen actually knows the truth. Abstaining looks like indifference which the ruling class will gleefully accept. We live in a bizarre time in which starting wars because it brings a smile to the faces of weapons manufacturers is good, but copyright infringement has become a special kind of piracy, worse in some jurisdictions than murder, with global treaties that override governments setting out punishments for the offenders. Hooray for unelected government, just like the good old days of kings and conquerors.
@jozsef Definitely! If I were an American, I'd vote for the Libertarian ticket in a heartbeat. I believe that extensive abstaining would serve to de-legitimize the outcome and the system. Also, if the election setup is more represntative of smaller parties instead of a winner-take-all system, it's more likely that your vote counts.