Especially for those of you who kindly offered input on my logo design question a while ago, here are two variations of the final product - again, I'm not totally happy with it, but I guess that's what you get when you're cheap and use fiverr ;-)
Bit late to chime in here, but the symmetry of the second one is more appealing to my taste. I will refrain from commenting on anything "Bonzo" for now.
The prime minister of Canada is the head of the party which wins the most seats and thereby forms a government. This gives him some very real power and authority but he is not actually elected as a member of the government by anyone outside of his own riding. He is not in theory like a president. The outgoing one certainly did behave as though he had been elected king but a real weakness of our system is that politicians are now doing things which were unthinkable a very few decades ago when corruption was actually frowned upon and the merest whiff of conflict of interest was enough to end a career, whereas now that's business as usual. We've seen that acting like a dictator is not explicitly forbidden by most legislation which was written before rot from the top down was an accepted part of the social structure. It seems we Canadians will nowadays re-elect someone who treats his own country like a conqueror. It will be a surprise to me if anything substantive changes after this election, but hope springs eternal. BTW, I loved Pierre because he was an intelligent and witty intellectual and had long hair but he made some dreadful mistakes which haunt us still. :P