I hope you had a good Fourth of July.

I passed the evening at work, reading "King Lear."

That's not a bad way to get paid.
The summer term is over.

And I managed to cling to my 4.0 GPA.

Next semester, I'll be taking World Literature to 1650, Public Speaking, Inter Algebra, and General Psychology.

The psych class is four weekends long. That's it. Four weekends for an entire semester's worth of psych. It'll be brutal.

Too bad I can't just get credit for having read "Crime and Punishment." That's...
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Yay! I knew you could do it! Intense classes next it looks like! Wow!!!
"I thought the king had more affected the Duke of Albany than Cornwall."

Work was busy--the summer travel season is in full swing!--and that's about as far as I got with "King Lear."

I'm exaggerating. I didn't quite finish scene one, but maybe "King Lear" wasn't the best choice of book to take to work. I love Shakespeare, but his language takes getting used to....
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I forget how it ends---not that I'd spoil it. I read it my senior year of high school, during which we also saw a production in Milwaukee. I can never remember the third daughters name...just Regan and Cordelia.

I have to take one of these years to plow through Shakespeare and Marlowe. I've read pathetically little of them.
I'm usually in charge of dinner around here, because my girlfriend is hopeless in the kitchen, and I love to cook. (She says that my cooking is the reason she wants to marry me.) Tonight I made us a chicken garlic pizza. This recipe is so easy that not even an amateur can screw it up.

1 boneless chicken breast
2 tablespoons of butter or...
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Thanks man.

This sounds delicious. I could live off meals centered on chicken, cheese and butter.

Good luck to you with your 4.0. Give me the word and I'll mail you some xanax. wink
I'm terrible at cooking frown But damn that sounds awesome!
I have less than a week until the end of the summer term. Most of my classwork is done; I just have one final project--a PowerPoint presentation for my computer class--due next week. I'm obsessively checking my grades to make sure that I'm maintaining my 4.0 grade point average. One of my professors hasn't yet graded all of my work, which sends me into near-panic...
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Don't stress it! You are going to get that 4.0! biggrin
My girlfriend and I were sitting on the couch, drinking beer and watching television.

"You know," I said, apropos of nothing, "I think I've drank more since meeting you than I ever have in my entire life."

"Oh, really?"

Guess who didn't get laid for several days.
haah!! no fun!
Um...[long, long pause]...you?