just as things start to look up, WHAM! slapped back down again.
its this whole damn job thing. i'll try to be brief...
-a week ago wrote a note to a girl at work and left it in her box.
-note said i needed help looking for a guy (i needed to talk to him) and then jokingly referred to him as my man-crush. this was seriously part of an inside joke and i didn't see a real problem with it at the time.
-ok, manager somehow got the note, and he did see a problem with it.
-this was brought to my attention. i was utterly mortified and apologized and said it would not happen again.
-fast forward one week (i have kept a low profile since then).
-manager calls today and says he is still very mad about the note and its inappropriateness and that he has been told other things i have said and done and that they no longer need me there to teach class.
-i ask what else has been said, for my own knowledge, and he says it doesn't matter.
-end of conversation.
in telling this story and re-reading it, it seems like such middle school drama, its unbelievable.
how crazy!
its this whole damn job thing. i'll try to be brief...
-a week ago wrote a note to a girl at work and left it in her box.
-note said i needed help looking for a guy (i needed to talk to him) and then jokingly referred to him as my man-crush. this was seriously part of an inside joke and i didn't see a real problem with it at the time.
-ok, manager somehow got the note, and he did see a problem with it.
-this was brought to my attention. i was utterly mortified and apologized and said it would not happen again.
-fast forward one week (i have kept a low profile since then).
-manager calls today and says he is still very mad about the note and its inappropriateness and that he has been told other things i have said and done and that they no longer need me there to teach class.
-i ask what else has been said, for my own knowledge, and he says it doesn't matter.
-end of conversation.
in telling this story and re-reading it, it seems like such middle school drama, its unbelievable.
how crazy!

You have sucha cute tummy!
BTW, I'm glad you have the other place to work and was able to get support there.