Responsibility? What's that?
Responsibility? Not Quite yet.
I don't want to think about it,
We'd be better off without it.
Did a bad thing today. Went to break up with a girl and ended up making out with her instead. I was really clear about it, told her we weren't going anywhere, and then she kissed me. Ooops. The kisses are really nice though, and I have had a real lack of yummy girl energy so maybe I'm rethinking the whole break it off thing.
Several people have asked me to hang out with them tonight, but I am waiting to hear from my favorite new toy before I make plans. No mattter what happens it will be a great night. Unlimited supplies of cookies.
I got a new car stereo today and new MXPX CD. It was great to drive along blasting the music and feeling like the little 80's punk I used to be. I have a friend who is exposing me to all this really wonderful music. My CD collection has doubled in the last couple weeks as I try desperatly to keep up with all of the bands he has turned me on to. I am in such a happy space right now. I am building this soundtrack to my life. Years from now I will turn on Lovespirals and remember this time when I was as happy as happy gets.
There is not a need in my life that isn't being met. It is unbelieveable! If I get any happier I will split!
So, I didn't make any specific plans, because I was hoping to get to fuck my crush. He couldn't make it, poor boy was too tired. When I got to the club, two of my offers were already playing, but there were still 4 to choose from, plus new offers when I got there. So, I negotiate a scene with a girl, it takes a while, we are about to get started and her boyfriend freaks. We call it off. Now there are about 6 people I want to play or fuck, and this one particular girl asks if I want to play because her boyfriend is too shy to go on the rack infront of everyone, and the private rack is unavailable, I agree, we play for a while, I am just getting in the zone and we have to quit because a private spot comes available and her boy wants to play. She says to me, "I won't stop unless you are sure someone is here to take care of you" I look around, there are still 3 people I am interested in so I say no problem. I turn down 2 of the people in favor of a boy I have been checking out for a while. He and I make out and it's really great and then he decides he doesn't want to have sex because he's enjoying the whole teasing thing and because "everyone" wants to fuck me, it will be no problem for me. It's now 11:30, I look around, and everyone is playing with the exception of a couple ugly people in the corner (I am such a snob) So, started the day with several prospects, got unbearably turned on and in the end, there were no cookies for Juju. Oh, and just as the icing on the cake, my wife just fell asleep making out with me.
If I wasn't so god damn happy lately I swear to God I would hurt someone.
Responsibility? Not Quite yet.
I don't want to think about it,
We'd be better off without it.
Did a bad thing today. Went to break up with a girl and ended up making out with her instead. I was really clear about it, told her we weren't going anywhere, and then she kissed me. Ooops. The kisses are really nice though, and I have had a real lack of yummy girl energy so maybe I'm rethinking the whole break it off thing.
Several people have asked me to hang out with them tonight, but I am waiting to hear from my favorite new toy before I make plans. No mattter what happens it will be a great night. Unlimited supplies of cookies.
I got a new car stereo today and new MXPX CD. It was great to drive along blasting the music and feeling like the little 80's punk I used to be. I have a friend who is exposing me to all this really wonderful music. My CD collection has doubled in the last couple weeks as I try desperatly to keep up with all of the bands he has turned me on to. I am in such a happy space right now. I am building this soundtrack to my life. Years from now I will turn on Lovespirals and remember this time when I was as happy as happy gets.
There is not a need in my life that isn't being met. It is unbelieveable! If I get any happier I will split!
So, I didn't make any specific plans, because I was hoping to get to fuck my crush. He couldn't make it, poor boy was too tired. When I got to the club, two of my offers were already playing, but there were still 4 to choose from, plus new offers when I got there. So, I negotiate a scene with a girl, it takes a while, we are about to get started and her boyfriend freaks. We call it off. Now there are about 6 people I want to play or fuck, and this one particular girl asks if I want to play because her boyfriend is too shy to go on the rack infront of everyone, and the private rack is unavailable, I agree, we play for a while, I am just getting in the zone and we have to quit because a private spot comes available and her boy wants to play. She says to me, "I won't stop unless you are sure someone is here to take care of you" I look around, there are still 3 people I am interested in so I say no problem. I turn down 2 of the people in favor of a boy I have been checking out for a while. He and I make out and it's really great and then he decides he doesn't want to have sex because he's enjoying the whole teasing thing and because "everyone" wants to fuck me, it will be no problem for me. It's now 11:30, I look around, and everyone is playing with the exception of a couple ugly people in the corner (I am such a snob) So, started the day with several prospects, got unbearably turned on and in the end, there were no cookies for Juju. Oh, and just as the icing on the cake, my wife just fell asleep making out with me.
If I wasn't so god damn happy lately I swear to God I would hurt someone.
You rock. I'm back in full effect and feeling better. Will explain better. Thanks for kind words. ![smile](