In the past three days I've the most sublime experience I've had involving poetry in a long time, followed by the most ridiculous.
I told you about the first. Those women are good. The shame is that only a few people were there, because they were from out of town.
But last night I saw my old friend the Pompous Ass clear out the same room with one of the most preposterous and obnoxious performances of any kind that I've ever seen.
I never went inside when he was performing, because I knew enough to stay out in the fresh air. I could see it all clearly through the window and I could hear it a block away.
The thing is, you want to like the guy because he acts so sincere, and he actually knows quite a bit about performing. But he's much better at public relations than he is at writing. This is unfortunate because he repeatedly entices large numbers of people to come to his events. All too often it ends like it did last night.
People came out the door one by one and two by two, holding their hands over their mouths, shaking their heads, and bursting into laughter. One poor old gal rushed over and embraced me, she was so glad to be outside.
she had just had her moment with the star of the show. He had said, "I'm just gonna do three more," and she sad, "NO! Just do one!" at which point she was asked to leave the room. Not politely either. he was starting to get testy as people talked and fidgeted in their seats.
This left the interior populated only by his closest friends, including his girlfriend and a half-dozen others he's known for years and who didn't want to offend him. They had to take the punishment while the rest of us laughed about it outside. It was really very funny to watch the people come out, looking a little uncomfortable, and then start laughing when they saw how it was.
Moral of the story: don't be a pompous ass or I'll laugh at you.
I told you about the first. Those women are good. The shame is that only a few people were there, because they were from out of town.
But last night I saw my old friend the Pompous Ass clear out the same room with one of the most preposterous and obnoxious performances of any kind that I've ever seen.
I never went inside when he was performing, because I knew enough to stay out in the fresh air. I could see it all clearly through the window and I could hear it a block away.
The thing is, you want to like the guy because he acts so sincere, and he actually knows quite a bit about performing. But he's much better at public relations than he is at writing. This is unfortunate because he repeatedly entices large numbers of people to come to his events. All too often it ends like it did last night.
People came out the door one by one and two by two, holding their hands over their mouths, shaking their heads, and bursting into laughter. One poor old gal rushed over and embraced me, she was so glad to be outside.
she had just had her moment with the star of the show. He had said, "I'm just gonna do three more," and she sad, "NO! Just do one!" at which point she was asked to leave the room. Not politely either. he was starting to get testy as people talked and fidgeted in their seats.
This left the interior populated only by his closest friends, including his girlfriend and a half-dozen others he's known for years and who didn't want to offend him. They had to take the punishment while the rest of us laughed about it outside. It was really very funny to watch the people come out, looking a little uncomfortable, and then start laughing when they saw how it was.
Moral of the story: don't be a pompous ass or I'll laugh at you.
I bet that asshole's own mother would walk out of one of his poetry readings.