My life has suddenly become very amusing.
Gypsy girl came by yesterday, checked out my apartment and said "You need a woman." She's right of course but also quite practical.
Result: Tonight I have new curtains and a wood floor, whereas yesterday I had an ugy stained carpet and dingy curtains. It goes much farther than that
But last night, she took me out with some friends of hers for a drink.
It was probably the most fun I've had in several months at least.
In the end, I had promised never to go out to breakfast with the eskimo girl again. It's for my own good.
Also got to hold hands with a sweetheart named Jessica. I actually got up and danced, Jessica was adamant on this point. It did me good. That and all the chit-chat with a bunch of very sweet girls. I felt lucky to be there.
We left the bar late and helped another drunken girl get home safely.
Gypsy girl was here early and we worked all day on my place, then it was out for sushi and sake downtown with 14 of my newspaper friends.
One guest, not from the paper, got so drunk he lost his dinner on the floor. Deplorable.
But we all went back to the apartment for more drinks and smokes.
It's fun to have a life and lively friends. A big change in my lifestyle to have these sorts of experiences.
I've also been feeling like something extraordinary is happening but I'm not sure what.
Something good I hope.
There's so much going on I barely touched the surface of it.
It's all so different. But good.
Gypsy girl came by yesterday, checked out my apartment and said "You need a woman." She's right of course but also quite practical.
Result: Tonight I have new curtains and a wood floor, whereas yesterday I had an ugy stained carpet and dingy curtains. It goes much farther than that
But last night, she took me out with some friends of hers for a drink.
It was probably the most fun I've had in several months at least.
In the end, I had promised never to go out to breakfast with the eskimo girl again. It's for my own good.
Also got to hold hands with a sweetheart named Jessica. I actually got up and danced, Jessica was adamant on this point. It did me good. That and all the chit-chat with a bunch of very sweet girls. I felt lucky to be there.
We left the bar late and helped another drunken girl get home safely.
Gypsy girl was here early and we worked all day on my place, then it was out for sushi and sake downtown with 14 of my newspaper friends.
One guest, not from the paper, got so drunk he lost his dinner on the floor. Deplorable.
But we all went back to the apartment for more drinks and smokes.
It's fun to have a life and lively friends. A big change in my lifestyle to have these sorts of experiences.
I've also been feeling like something extraordinary is happening but I'm not sure what.
Something good I hope.
There's so much going on I barely touched the surface of it.
It's all so different. But good.
What a whirlwind of wonderfulness. I think that's great. You and Gypsy girl can work on your house until it reflects all the new positivity.