So this guy openly admitted to "e-stalking" me.. so I blocked him on aim because he wouldn't leave me alone.. Then he imed me on a new name saying this.. "evoadamd: ok keep blockin my names. one day when im old and seniel i will forget you exist"
So yeah I'm a little creeped out.. I rarely give my screen name out if EVER. So... Read More
i want to see me naked too.... rather than just looking at the mirror, which i tend to do a lot, send missy a message saying you want to see me naked... other than that i don't know how to handle the situation
dude! that just sucks! nothing like chillin and groovin and then some shit like that happens... hope you at least have a backup pipe!
thats kind of why ive been using my steel pipe for-freakin-ever, it wont break!
brr baby brrr...
I really wish Chicago wasn't oh so cold..
The cold weather tends to add to the loneliness and depression
I just wanna snuggle up by the fire place with a certain someone..
too bad he is oh so far away...
blame Canada,,
I'm tired of the cold too. Although I'm pretty sure you have it worse in Chicago than I do in Sacramento. Does he live in Canada? Or just away for awhile??
Cold alone.. all moved in..
He will be home soon and I will rest well again..
Time will be the only thing standing between us..
Other then that its a clear road to hopefully a wonderful future together.
Thats what keeps me waiting..
Well, it's a new year. So how's it treating you? You feel any better? Have a better outlook at least? I hope you do. Just keep your head leveled and realize that things and people only have the power you give them. Just keep that in mind and you'll realize that you're simply surrounded by assholes who have no power over you.
Hope you feel better. And don't worry, this will be an awesome year for you, not because it'll happen like that, but because you'll MAKE it like that!!
I've been really sick lately.. Not too sure how I came down with whatever I have! I haven't been around anyone except my boyfriend. We are finally working on our new house.. Painting is almost done! I'm really excited to set our christmas tree up and enjoy our new place together. As much as I hate the holidays I'm excited to spend them with him.... Read More
My sleep schedule has been awful lately.. I slept about 24 hours.. I'm now hoping since I woke up at 5:40 am that this will be hopefully a better step into a "normal" sleep schedule. I'm so sick of waking up at 10pm and having nothing to do.. Then falling asleep in the afternoon. It's not normal nor is it healthy.
Other then that I have been overly stressed lately..
Closing on our new loft is MONDAY!!! HOW EXCITING!
Lately things have been rather hectic.. Chris is away in Australia.. off doing work like normal.. I just have to keep reminding myself this is his job.. This chaotic traveling circus will all be over in a couple years.. I'm very proud of him and I know... Read More
How can we look at your clothing line? I don't see a link and I wanna see it.
Oh and if you answer people's comments in your own journal, they might not notice. It seems weird at first but it's customary to reply to people in their journals here on SG.
As much as I wan't to give up on this.. I'm terrified of losing it. Funny how that works...
I keep reminding myself that this was his life style prior to us being together. I should have known better getting into this. Why did it not hurt nearly as much before? Why has anytime I have cared about someone before, that is frequently gone.. it... Read More
If you don't I will be forced to use drastic measures of the video kind.