gangbangs and tomorrow night's show

I just did a tourist show at the Improv. The emcee asked what he should say to introduce me -- generally one gives a sentence or two, or if one has no particular merits to extol, one says something like "Eh, clubs and colleges," which transmutes to "Jennifer Dziura is a very funny comic; she performs at clubs and colleges...
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Ha ha! I'm on Fleshbot today!
nicely done.

i sort of wish they'd called that fist of adonis "ebony" instead of "black." think of the comic possibilities!

but i digress.
When I was in junior high, I would fantasize about noble things, such as winning debating championships, but I would also fantasize about somehow coming up with the princely sum of seventy-five dollars of my very own, and then securing my mother's permission to spend it on a spiral perm at the salon inside JC Penney at the mall, so my hair would be Much,...
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you're missing the perm, the eye shadow, the candyapple red fingernails and a wonder womanesque gold bracelet. a broche in the form of a golden heart would speak volumes.

staten island 1984. if you missed it, you'll never understand the extents to which k-mart blue light specials were canibalized by chanel and in turn re-canibalized by k-mart, resulting in a decade of multigenerational xeroxes ironed with gold leaf, soaked in the sweat of one madonna louise ciccone, perverted by the new-romantic fashion periphery, reconstituted in weird science, wall street, the goonies, romancing the stone, mystic pizza and anything within earshot of melanie griffith's screech.

izabel and i were just reflecting on 80's style yesterday. i took a shower and felt a little better, but waking up this morning, my synapses were still misfiring in protest of having had that conversation.
Did you know that on the bar at the top of the screen, Suicide Girls only lets you know about comments on your most recent entry? That can be inconvenient. It's why I only just now saw your comment on my old Supergirl entry. Anyway, it makes me so happy when someone thinks something I wrote is funny, especially my comics entries, because they tend to get really long and almost nobody comments on them, which makes me think that everybody hates them.

Anyway, I know it's a week later, but if you still want to link to the entry, feel free. I love people linking to or quoting from anything that I write. It makes me feel like someone reading it wants other people to read it. All of my Suicide Girls entries are public and should be able to be read by anyone from any computer, but all of my entries that don't deal directly with Suicide Girls or Suicide Girls events are cross-posted to my Livejournal, which has been my primary blog for the past five years or so. You should link to the entry there only if you want me to know if someone comments on it.
I had jelly gum for breakfast today - tastes like sports news without plastic!

Any com-stuff on in october? I'm in ze town for a couple of weeks and it would be fun to catch a show of yours... kiss skull
I'm sorry I couldn't make it. It was too late to go by the time I read about it.
This Wednesday (tomorrow!) come on out to at 10pm to Pete's Candy Store for the Jenny Vaudeville Show, a free variety show featuring all manner of weirdness. August's show will feature:

* Musical comedy by Adira Amram and Joshua Grosvent
* ventriloquist April Brucker and her slutty puppet May
* and Onion headline writer Sam Means, who will be performing in public for the first...
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Can't make it tonight, I have to pack, but I'll swing by the sept one for sure!
i can't come tonight, either, but i will keep an eye out for the next one. the blog is hilariariarious.
I posted a new review (written by a writer for the Onion!) of a clit-tickling dildo to the Sarcastic Sex Toy Blog.

By the way, sarcasticsex.com really is a real online sex toy store, so ... um ... you can support a comedian by buying sex toys there. All purchases arrive promptly and in discreet packaging.

Tonight I ran the Williamsburg Spelling Bee, which...
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Yesterday I spent thirteen hours in a hot, itchy wig, playing a flapper in a speakeasy in a short film. I have only now come to realize what kind of effort goes into producing movies. Thirteen hours for eight minutes? If the entire film industry just stopped producing films and turned that quantity of effort towards solving world hunger ... well, we'd be really bored...
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I'm wary of the notion of the film biz turning its efforts toward tackling the thorny issue of world hunger... you know they'd take one look at a starving child and, instead of feeding her, they'd have her on the runways of milan & paris... thin is in, baby!
Yeah, i grew up in that industry
imagine my shock when i got my first real job in the real world and realized that although i only had to be there fo 8 hours, i actually had to work the whole time....
You were great! Sorry we couldn't stay to talk - we were both ravenously hungry afterwards. btw, I was the chick in the front row in the white shirt.
damn repeat posts...

[Edited on Aug 08, 2005 10:09AM]
Hey guys, this is from my newsletter that just went out -- here is the product of some of my joke writing...

If you want, you can help me get famous by quoting my jokes on the interweb or magnetting them to your fridge...


"If you stop rimming someone midway through, are you doing a half-assed job?"
- jenisfamous.com


"Pilates is not really...
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and, half-way thru a rimmer would be where exactly?
I made a reservation! Don't think i can make it to the pre-thing though, I work on Saturdays. Can't wait to laugh till milk shoots out of my nose.