Well, it's official: I'm running that Firefly game. For those unfamiliar with what's involved in a tabletop RPG, I'll try to explain it. Imagine you're writing at TV show (because yes, it takes that much planning and detail). You've got the world set up, but you've got to come up with characters, a specific setting, several plot lines, and an overall story. But you're not writing the main characters' lines. Hell, you're not even coming up with the main characters. The actors are, and they have no script. None. They give you an idea of who the character is going to be, and you've got to adapt to how they act out their characters, or they'll quit. Saying it's a challenge, is an understatement.
But I welcome the challenge.
For one reason or another, I haven't really had a serious challenge anywhere in my life in a while, so I'm enjoying this one as I work through where I'm going to take these guys in the 'Verse. I've got some pre-written adventures to work with, but those are a) to buy time while I work out the main story and b) needing to be adapted so that they fit into that story. Needless to say, that's been my new time sink, because I've got to entertain five people for five consecutive hours at a time every two weeks, and doing that in any way, shape, form, or fashion is harder than you think.
As for work, I've been looking around and talking to friends about new opportunities around here, either to kill time until I head off to Kosovo next year or as a whole new career, but I'm pretty sure I'll be staying in the security field. Nothing else really appeals to me, except law enforcement, but I've still got some reservations about that.
I hope you're all doing well, and someday I'll find the time to go through this place and catch up on what I've missed. In the meantime, stay safe.