This past week, work's been going much better than it usually does. Even with a few problems, all week we've gotten our route done earlier than usual. I'd like to go on record and state that moving thousands of pounds of nickels is a pain in the ass, even with an electric power jack. Using a manual one is just hell. Unfortunately, things around the branch in general haven't been too great. One of the guys on my route just didn't get a paycheck this Thursday, and he raised hell about that, with good reason. Wednesday, we had a truck roll over, putting the messenger (guy who picks up and delivers money) in the hospital and killing the driver. Another guy from my route has been in the hospital for about two weeks now, due to the flu, and is unresponsive. Combine all that with two robberies back in December, one of which got one of our guys killed in New Orleans, and the mood is definitely more serious than usual. I guess when you get into actual security work, unlike my last job, shit like this happens more often. And people wonder why I wear a vest and carry so much ammo.
More Blogs
And Then There Were Two
Holy crap, time just crawls by as I go through my day, and then whe… -
What does SG mean to you and why do you like it?
Right, so @onyxheart decided to do her own little follower homework… -
No Farewell to Arms
So, I'm wondering how a place can get away with posting that a job … -
Well, it's been a few long months since I've posted, but now that … -
Pens and Pistols
Well, it's official: I'm running that Firefly game. For those unfam… -
Big Damn Heroes
Well, I've tried blogging every two weeks or so, but here I am abou… -
Those Familiar and Unfamiliar Feelings
So I decided that for some reason, video games were better for my s… -
Thickening the Thin Blue Line
I don't believe in the universe or God giving me signs, but if I di… -
Being Sick is Weird
So I usually have a pretty strong immune system, but I guess with t… -
They Accidentally a Word
Pretty disappointed right now. This job needed 2 years of security …