Whoo! 2 months and not a single update! I frikken rock!
I got back into Calgary late September after rapping up Fringe in Vancouver (which probably isn't the worst fringe in Canada, but after riding the Bell Curve of Cool Fests across Canada, it don't seem so hot). The gods did smile on me again and found me a place to live so I wouldn't need to couch-surf til Christmas like I did last year, and what a place it is:
- It's a house near Kensington, which is probably the funkiest neighbourhood in Calgary. (danny_g may push for Mission, which to be fair is also chockablock with nifty little shops, cafes and sushi spots, but I think the nearby C-train and two colleges in my neck of the woods makes up for that.)
- It's near where I work (work being a vague term for me, but my main income sources are the art college [see above] where I model occasionally and a community centre that is now less than 10 blocks away).
- It's full of theatre-types (at least 3 anyway - Julia and Ben I met on tour when she was performing La Stras Mona and he was directing. Rachel is another drama student there as well. I haven't sussed out the two in the back completely yet).
- It's dirt cheap!
Of course, there's a few downsides, some of which are inherent in the above descriptions. There are six people in the house, but I don't mind that too much, especially since it's keeping my rent under $200/mth, and they're all cool people. It's an older house, so the heat sucks, but at least my room is above ground. Everyone else is either a couple or a half of one, which is a little bothersome, but hopefully won't be for long.
I'm in charge of getting us wired for wireless, which I hope to do by the end of the month. That will make it a little easier to update on a semi-hemi-demi-regular basis. What's making that possible is that the money sitch seems to be improving.
That's right, I may actually have an income worth declaring next year. Besides my current cash streams, I've got two other possibilities hovering in the background, waiting to pounce like a cat on my crotch. (I don't even own a cat, but I know the inevitable.) Interestingly, both are related, like family-wise. I'm not going to detail it too much here, in hopes of not jinxing it, but it should keep me from freezing over winter.
Actually, if I start making money, the big concern is that I'll upgrade my computer, buy World of Warcraft and never be seen IRL again. Having jobs that get me out of the house will help, but they will only be gateways for more WoW. And by the likeliest time I'll get bored with it, the expansion will be released, and it'll be another 6 months until I see daylight.
In the meantime, I keep associating with meatforms. I'm in another play, and surprisingly, it's not a Scorpio show. Ben got me involved in something called The Rave Project which is putting on a play called Searching For Utopia and following it immediately with a rave called Resurrection XIII. It's a minor role, but it keeps me out of trouble, and I'll be able to get into Res13 for free!
Good thing, too, cuz I tried out for the Scorpio show and totally screwed the pooch!
danny_g and masquerade are both directly involved with it, so I say all this with the knowledge they'll be reading it, but I went in assuming I'd get a role in the show that arguably had been written with me in mind. So when Masq asked if I was going to audition, I said sure and she booked me a time. Of course, I was still in a completely incongruous headspace what with figuring out how to get my crap to this new home, so I didn't prepare anything, explicitly assuming that everyone knew what I could do. As it turned, I was right, but I theorize it would have been better if I'd never booked an initial audition and just waited for the inevitable callbacks, cuz showing up unprepared is never a good idea, no matter how much they like you, but they were going to call me anyway.
The callback itself went alright, but I was surprised when I got the "thank you but no" email. I was surprised and disappointed. Then I was disappointed and incredulous. Then I got mopey, then philosophical, then pissy, then hungry and tired cuz I was boiling a lot of brainjuice with this emotional rollercoaster which followed me to work and took up all my headspace while I set up a couple hundred table for a flea market.
Perspective is good, so now I can look back and I can honestly think of several reasons I shouldn't have been in the show, not the least of which was the guy they did cast was doing a good job, and besides, I could really use this time to get my poop in a group anyway. Also, I've directed once before, and I've had to audition people, and I know that as a process, the actors themselves have very little effect on the actual casting. I had to let go of some very good people simply because they wouldn't fit in with the rest of the show as I saw it. So it's copacetic. Ce sera sera.
Egos heal slowly.
Guess the only nudes scenes I'll be doing will be in your local art departments. I am seriously considering asking
Lavonne to shoot a set for me, or at least get me a fresh set of headshots, but that will come when the cash comes, and that's still sitting just over the horizon. Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned that - I sometimes suspect that I fear I'll do something stupid if I start earning over a subsistence-level income, and if I start equating more money with naked pictures of myself, danny_g will probably make it one of his many missions that it never happens
I got back into Calgary late September after rapping up Fringe in Vancouver (which probably isn't the worst fringe in Canada, but after riding the Bell Curve of Cool Fests across Canada, it don't seem so hot). The gods did smile on me again and found me a place to live so I wouldn't need to couch-surf til Christmas like I did last year, and what a place it is:
- It's a house near Kensington, which is probably the funkiest neighbourhood in Calgary. (danny_g may push for Mission, which to be fair is also chockablock with nifty little shops, cafes and sushi spots, but I think the nearby C-train and two colleges in my neck of the woods makes up for that.)
- It's near where I work (work being a vague term for me, but my main income sources are the art college [see above] where I model occasionally and a community centre that is now less than 10 blocks away).
- It's full of theatre-types (at least 3 anyway - Julia and Ben I met on tour when she was performing La Stras Mona and he was directing. Rachel is another drama student there as well. I haven't sussed out the two in the back completely yet).
- It's dirt cheap!
Of course, there's a few downsides, some of which are inherent in the above descriptions. There are six people in the house, but I don't mind that too much, especially since it's keeping my rent under $200/mth, and they're all cool people. It's an older house, so the heat sucks, but at least my room is above ground. Everyone else is either a couple or a half of one, which is a little bothersome, but hopefully won't be for long.
I'm in charge of getting us wired for wireless, which I hope to do by the end of the month. That will make it a little easier to update on a semi-hemi-demi-regular basis. What's making that possible is that the money sitch seems to be improving.
That's right, I may actually have an income worth declaring next year. Besides my current cash streams, I've got two other possibilities hovering in the background, waiting to pounce like a cat on my crotch. (I don't even own a cat, but I know the inevitable.) Interestingly, both are related, like family-wise. I'm not going to detail it too much here, in hopes of not jinxing it, but it should keep me from freezing over winter.
Actually, if I start making money, the big concern is that I'll upgrade my computer, buy World of Warcraft and never be seen IRL again. Having jobs that get me out of the house will help, but they will only be gateways for more WoW. And by the likeliest time I'll get bored with it, the expansion will be released, and it'll be another 6 months until I see daylight.
In the meantime, I keep associating with meatforms. I'm in another play, and surprisingly, it's not a Scorpio show. Ben got me involved in something called The Rave Project which is putting on a play called Searching For Utopia and following it immediately with a rave called Resurrection XIII. It's a minor role, but it keeps me out of trouble, and I'll be able to get into Res13 for free!
Good thing, too, cuz I tried out for the Scorpio show and totally screwed the pooch!
danny_g and masquerade are both directly involved with it, so I say all this with the knowledge they'll be reading it, but I went in assuming I'd get a role in the show that arguably had been written with me in mind. So when Masq asked if I was going to audition, I said sure and she booked me a time. Of course, I was still in a completely incongruous headspace what with figuring out how to get my crap to this new home, so I didn't prepare anything, explicitly assuming that everyone knew what I could do. As it turned, I was right, but I theorize it would have been better if I'd never booked an initial audition and just waited for the inevitable callbacks, cuz showing up unprepared is never a good idea, no matter how much they like you, but they were going to call me anyway.
The callback itself went alright, but I was surprised when I got the "thank you but no" email. I was surprised and disappointed. Then I was disappointed and incredulous. Then I got mopey, then philosophical, then pissy, then hungry and tired cuz I was boiling a lot of brainjuice with this emotional rollercoaster which followed me to work and took up all my headspace while I set up a couple hundred table for a flea market.
Perspective is good, so now I can look back and I can honestly think of several reasons I shouldn't have been in the show, not the least of which was the guy they did cast was doing a good job, and besides, I could really use this time to get my poop in a group anyway. Also, I've directed once before, and I've had to audition people, and I know that as a process, the actors themselves have very little effect on the actual casting. I had to let go of some very good people simply because they wouldn't fit in with the rest of the show as I saw it. So it's copacetic. Ce sera sera.
Egos heal slowly.
Guess the only nudes scenes I'll be doing will be in your local art departments. I am seriously considering asking
Lavonne to shoot a set for me, or at least get me a fresh set of headshots, but that will come when the cash comes, and that's still sitting just over the horizon. Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned that - I sometimes suspect that I fear I'll do something stupid if I start earning over a subsistence-level income, and if I start equating more money with naked pictures of myself, danny_g will probably make it one of his many missions that it never happens

i think you were the afternoon model for the class i modelled for this morning.