A comment by Cash about the new site layout:

Best of luck....but you'll be moving along without me. I've always defended the site when people bitched about re-designs and cried "put it back how it used to be"....but this is a direction that I have no interest in going. This is for 19 year olds. I don't have a facebook account, I don't have a...
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I have the day off. Lets sit around, play Skyrim, and watch Game of Thrones all day.

I watched all three seasons of Game of Thrones in like four days. Once I started I just couldn't stop.

Now I want to play Skyrim again.

Pollen count can fuck off. I went for a ride the other day, just 10 miles out and back, and my lungs felt like I had smoked a pack of cigarettes the next day.

Haven't been able to...
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Has Nothing to do with your blog, but I'm currently an injured cyclists... Broke my back today on a 27ft table top... Noo fun!!
The pollen is fucked. I hate it.
not a cigarette or drink in 5 weeks.

fucking hot. it went from 60 and raining to 90 and no wind. sitting in my apartment in front of a fan trying not to melt. i couldnt even stay cool on the I-5 at 75mph today. i hate hot weather. temps over 75 can kiss my ass.

in other news.....




nope, nevermind, ive...
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my apartment is great, with a couple caveats. i can see even fewer stars than before (i dislike this quite a bit), stores arent as convenient as before, and i have no idea how im going to keep my bike dry in the winter. but ive got a hell of a lot of floor space and despite facing the west it doesnt get super hot....
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All my stuff is moved in and im drunk and unpacking (my apartment? MY apartment! bwhahaha!). I wish I had one or two more beers, but i havent really eaten, so its probably for the best.

honestly, i couldnt be happier right now. life is good.
For the first time, after 10 years and more than 50 roommates, I'm going to have my own place. Tomorrow I go and write a check for a deposit on a 400 square foot studio ten minutes from my office (I'm now a permanent employee, and highly valued, by the way). I'm very excited.

Then what happens? I come home and pull an inch long...
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Just so the last one isn't the first any more.

I havent talked to my parents in a couple weeks, but I think my mom believes ignorance is bliss. I don't. I've incorporated what I know now into who I am. It only strengthens the idea that my parents are the strongest people I've ever met.

I'm still having trouble quitting smoking and drinking. I'm...
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Lots of tumblr lately. I have all of three followers now. Decided when I started it that I wanted a place online where I could post everything I like/enjoy/am thinking about. For the moment hoping to stay pretty anonymous (no names or super revealing details; I don't want people that I haven't met since moving to Portland to find me; SG people excluded).

Because of...
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