Today is a dark day.
Three of my loved ones have left for Australia. The lovely Lucy & Zoe from my town but more than anything my precious Wooliam sheep has left with them. I know he needs some life expriences - he's spent the last twelve months at least in bed all day but six whole months without his silent, all knowing mentoring is...
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Three of my loved ones have left for Australia. The lovely Lucy & Zoe from my town but more than anything my precious Wooliam sheep has left with them. I know he needs some life expriences - he's spent the last twelve months at least in bed all day but six whole months without his silent, all knowing mentoring is...
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don't be sad. your sheep is in good hands.
Heh, I drink like a Viking.
I managed to spend the entire day in bed again yesterday. Walking into my kitchen this morning I discovered the root cause - the pathetic remains of a litre of vodka I bought on Friday night on my way home from work. I'm now over that "I've pissed half of my weekend away in bed" feeling now, I kind of enjoy spending an entire day...
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*whooooooooop!* "Red alert! Perimeter breach! Activating defensive counter-measures!"
That would be one cool shirt.

That would be one cool shirt.
I got really clattered last night! I've no idea what time I eventually crawled into bed but I've just woken up and it's dark already. The clock shows 9:15pm so I've impressively slept through an entire Sunday.
Time to have a scan around the flat to see if there's any fragments of memory lying around. I feel a jetlagged day at work in store for...
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Time to have a scan around the flat to see if there's any fragments of memory lying around. I feel a jetlagged day at work in store for...
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{inept picks himself up from floor}
Whoa, what happened there?
Whoa, what happened there?
no, i was just going insane. i guess when i'm not really careful about my meds they can trigger manic episodes for me so ummm. welcome to what was some strange sort of near hypomanic episode type thing. and i WAS freaking out, it's just that i didn't have anywhere to put all of that.
so yes, i went home and stripped down and drew all over myself with washable markers and that seemed to get enough of it out of my system to get some fucking sleep so i can get the levels of effexor in my bloodstream back to normal.
and rowrl. pounding keyboards, pounding people, rowrlrowrl. *small meows suddenly* aaaand, reading your profile...i can actually send you a link to one of my lj entries where i say something like "call me rasputin, baby" if you'd like...erm. but i suppose i'm not wearing one of your shirts...but you get the idea. that's a bizarre coincidence. is it normal for girls to call themselves rasputin these days?
so yes, i went home and stripped down and drew all over myself with washable markers and that seemed to get enough of it out of my system to get some fucking sleep so i can get the levels of effexor in my bloodstream back to normal.
and rowrl. pounding keyboards, pounding people, rowrlrowrl. *small meows suddenly* aaaand, reading your profile...i can actually send you a link to one of my lj entries where i say something like "call me rasputin, baby" if you'd like...erm. but i suppose i'm not wearing one of your shirts...but you get the idea. that's a bizarre coincidence. is it normal for girls to call themselves rasputin these days?
Hooked up with my ex tonight, I can't believe she drove sixty miles to tear my heart out and serve it right up in front of me at ten thirty at night on my doorstep.
Good job I have an MP3 player with random shuffle feature, I don't know how I want to feel right now so how the hell do I know what I...
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Good job I have an MP3 player with random shuffle feature, I don't know how I want to feel right now so how the hell do I know what I...
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I don't like leaving the sequence of my music in the hands of modern technology.
I plan on watching my movies as many times as I can before VCR's become completely extinct.
I plan on watching my movies as many times as I can before VCR's become completely extinct.
yes,i've found it fruitful to end an angry journal entry with a bit of sunshine (whether it's bullshit or not!)
sorry about the ex. why people feel the need to pull things like that is beyond me.... =/

sorry about the ex. why people feel the need to pull things like that is beyond me.... =/
I decided to give up smoking today so I can concentrate on a full-time career in alcoholism.
If the last time I gave up smoking has anything to go by I'll probably spend more money on chewing gum than I ever did on cigarettes.
Bring on the hallucinations of walking down the street and everyone around me being cigarette shaped with red glowing hair.
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If the last time I gave up smoking has anything to go by I'll probably spend more money on chewing gum than I ever did on cigarettes.
Bring on the hallucinations of walking down the street and everyone around me being cigarette shaped with red glowing hair.
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Tonight I was forced to fight the sock monster living beneath my bed, armed purely with a broom handle and a can of pot pouree air freshener to dis-orientate it. This tells me it's high time to employ a cleaner, I know I'm bigger than cleaning. A friend offered to clean for me for a few quid a week but I know that my cleaner...
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