So, it seems like this weeks blog homework is a popular topic. I mean, who doesn't like getting on their soap box and talking about their pet peeves? Well, I am no exception, and after some thought I've decided that my biggest pet peeves involve pets.
Working in animal rescue, I see a lot of things that make me shake my head. These are the top two.
Pet Peeve Number One: People who use dogs as fashion accessories.
Exhibit A: Paris Hilton and one of the myriad little dogs she's been photographed with.
I'm pretty sure Paris Hilton set the trend for uppity bitches to start carrying around little purse sized dogs everywhere they go with them. When I was working in retail, a young woman with over done make up wearing Ugg boots and leggings carried a little Pomeranian into the store, stopped at a mirror, and admired herself saying how the dog just 'completed the look'. I told her that the only animals allowed in the store were service animals and to please leave. It was all I could do to not let her have it.
Animals aren't accessories. They're living, breathing beings who need care and attention. You can't just shove them in the back of your walk in closet along with last seasons Coach bag when it no longer compliments the latest style.
The number two dog breed that ends up in shelters is the Chihuahua. Paris Hilton and others of her ilk have so popularized the idea of toy dogs as accessories that many people impulse bought them. The Chihuahua is not an easy breed to have or train. They're the number one cause for dog bites that end up in the emergency room here in the United States. Not the pit bull. Not the German Shepherd. Nope. The Chihuahua.
And because of the popularity of toy dog breeds as throw away accessories they're being bred at an alarming rate in substandard puppy mills, where bitches are bred twice a year until they die and kept in tiny cages, never seeing the light of day, and receiving minimal food and pretty much no veterinary care. Dog breeding done right doesn't make money. In fact, when you do it right you just barely break even. You don't breed dogs for money. You do it for the passion and betterment of the breed.
I can't begin to tell you how many malformed chihuahuas and yorkies with matted hair I've rescued from area shelters. These puppies were purchased on impulse and dumped at the shelter as soon as they weren't cute anymore and began to be a problem.
If you're so aching for the latest trendy accessory, do yourself a favor and get a god damn new hand bag. At least you won't have to worry about it pissing on your floor when you're at the club all night.
Pet Peeve number two: People who don't spay or neuter their pets.
If you've got issues with your masculinity, fine. But don't take it out on your dog. If you're not a responsible breeder there's no reason why your dog shouldn't be fixed (unless they react adversely to anesthesia). I find this a lot with young guys, mostly of the bro variety, who own dogs. It's almost like the dog is an extension of their testosterone and that if the dog didn't have his balls somehow the young mans virility would be affected.
Here's a tip: your masculinity is in no way affected if your dog is neutered. In fact, a neutered dog is happier and healthier than his non neutered brothers. I mean, think about it: all that pent up sexual energy really has nowhere to go, unless the dog can weasel his way out of the house and knock up all the in tact females in the area. Male dogs are not like male humans. We don't have the same anatomy or physiology or sexuality. Trust me, your dog won't miss his balls and his risk for testicular cancer, which is higher in in tact males who don't breed regularly, will reduce to zero.
And female dogs don't need to experience motherhood. You're not blessing her with the gift of at least one litter. You're opening her up to various complications from pregnancy and labor and raising the risk of uterine and ovarian cancer for her. Plus, you're just opening up your house to a bloody mess while she's in heat.
And you want to breed your dog simply because it's pure bred and AKC registered? None of that means jack. It doesn't mean your dog is a good or even adequate representation of the breed. If you're thinking about breeding your dog for shits and giggles just so you can sell the puppies do yourself and all of us in the dog world a favor and don't. Just don't. Yes, your shitz tzu is cute. But she's no show dog. Spay her, enjoy her companionship, and stop seeing her as a way to make a profit.
In the United States, 6-8 million adoptable animals are euthanized every year simply because there are too many of them. Let's work together to stop the senseless killing. I've left shelters knowing that animals I had to leave behind because I didn't have any more space were going to die that day simply because there's not enough homes.
There you have it, my pet peeves.
Now go spay and neuter your pets, people. And have a good night.