I'm going to be perfectly honest, kids. I've been quite the Debbie Downer lately. I just can't seem to get myself out of the funk that I'm currently in. It feels like I'm trudging through toxic sludge, that's how hard even doing the most basic task is for me right now. I've been spending most of my time sleeping. I keep telling myself that I must let it pass, like one lets a virus pass. But when you're in the throes of deep depression it's hard to really rationalize anything.
I did manage to re-dye my hair yesterday. This time it's got more of a purple tint to it.
You may note that there are no sheets on my bed. Well, I washed said sheets and have yet to put them back on the bed. You see, making the bed is my least favorite thing ever. And it's doubly difficult when you have a nosy cat that likes to get into everything you're doing. So yeah, no sheets until I can't stand it anymore. hehe.
On a positive note, yesterday one of the women I do rescue with admitted that when she first met me she thought I was 18 or 19. Win.