I just noticed that it's your birthday, so I came to say happy birthday 

I miss you
Some people will go to exausting lengths to make themselves feel important. But I reckon that when it all comes down to it, everyone's wrapped up in their own self-righteous bullshit to some extent.
I think I'm allergic to life.
Anyway. Apologies for not updating more frequently, and for not replying in folks' journals lately.
I took this picture last week. Looking pretty rough,...
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I think I'm allergic to life.
Anyway. Apologies for not updating more frequently, and for not replying in folks' journals lately.
I took this picture last week. Looking pretty rough,...
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Update time.
where are you chicka?
Yesterday at work I had perhaps one of the most "chew you up and spit you out" days I've experienced since I started. 8 hours of car. after car. after car. with never more than a minute break. I must say that the past few months have instilled in me a new respect for drive-thru workers. Seriously, folks- that job is tough.
It grinds down...
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It grinds down...
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Wow, your post describes exactly how I felt every day during the four months I worked at a call centre. Now I was doing inbound customer support so I wasn't interrupting people by calling them. Still, you would have thought I'd killed half the callers cats/dogs.
I would dread the start of the shift and that empty feeling I'd get in the pit of my stomach waiting for first call. Eight hours of the same five minute conversation with the same angry people. That mental grind, and the irritation that starts to seep through your phone voice. Finally, att the end of the day you've done nothing but sit on your ass and for some reason your completely exhausted.
I feel for ya Don't let the assholes of the world tear you down because most of the people you serve couldn't hack it serving the public.
I would dread the start of the shift and that empty feeling I'd get in the pit of my stomach waiting for first call. Eight hours of the same five minute conversation with the same angry people. That mental grind, and the irritation that starts to seep through your phone voice. Finally, att the end of the day you've done nothing but sit on your ass and for some reason your completely exhausted.
I feel for ya Don't let the assholes of the world tear you down because most of the people you serve couldn't hack it serving the public.
do you have to upsell too?
I've been promising a proper update for some time now, and I've finally sat myself down with the intention of writing one. Whether the end result will indeed be a "proper update" is yet to be determined. You know how these things go.
I've been a bit busy lately, and haven't had the time, or more importantly, the will, to spend as much time on...
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I've been a bit busy lately, and haven't had the time, or more importantly, the will, to spend as much time on...
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Yeah, I never do those sort of things until I have visitors come, who want to "see" New Orleans. Was supposed to do the swamp tour last year with my sister, take another little cousin to the Aquarium, take a friend for a plantation tour, House of Blues, Preservation Hall, etc. I see more of New Orleans when I have visitors than any other time.
The Ghost or Vampire tours are always their favorite, though, no matter WHO it is. And then coffee and beignets after, as we've been walking. And THEN bar hopping.
I look forward to visitors..
Yeah, it would be good for you to experience something light and fun in New Orleans, in an area that wasn't devastated. It helps with your healing the loss of New Orleans might have brought, maybe.
The Ghost or Vampire tours are always their favorite, though, no matter WHO it is. And then coffee and beignets after, as we've been walking. And THEN bar hopping.
I look forward to visitors..

Yeah, it would be good for you to experience something light and fun in New Orleans, in an area that wasn't devastated. It helps with your healing the loss of New Orleans might have brought, maybe.
This museum wasn't around 7 years ago. It's just a year or so old. It was built between the Air & Space and the Botanic Gardens. I'm not sure which you saw; maybe Natural History?
I'm afraid I'll be leaving before then
I feel like a real deadbeat slow-ass procrastinator for not having moved yet.
I was looking at saved pics of your artwork. I'd forgotten how great it is. Do you have any recent makings to put up pics in here?
I'm afraid I'll be leaving before then

I was looking at saved pics of your artwork. I'd forgotten how great it is. Do you have any recent makings to put up pics in here?
This is a filler entry. I'd love to write a full-blown one, but right now my face is swollen and my eyes are itchy and my sinus cavity are seeping mucous. It's charming, I assure you.
yeah, i can relate... that seasonal shit kicks my ass every year
as for the advice... i'm dating this girl that generates phone calls from friends of the "does she know she's white?" and "why do you wanna date a ghetto chic?" variety... should i give my friends time to come around or tell them to fuck off for being narrow minded pricks?
[Edited on Mar 18, 2006 2:08PM]
as for the advice... i'm dating this girl that generates phone calls from friends of the "does she know she's white?" and "why do you wanna date a ghetto chic?" variety... should i give my friends time to come around or tell them to fuck off for being narrow minded pricks?
[Edited on Mar 18, 2006 2:08PM]
Nah - definitely not too jumbled and manic. Or, if it was too jumbled and manic, I guess I'm right there with you. Either way - I get it.
You definitely took the smart approach with the thing. Look it in the eye and kick its ass. The only way. But the allergies? As soon as we get a couple of weeks with temperatures steadily above freezing, I'll be in hell right next to you. My story is similar. I'd had my ass kicked around for my entire life until I moved to Vermont. That began eight heavenly years of alergy-free living. Outstanding, it was. As soon as I was back in Chicago, they all came rushing back. I've been happier. One thing I have found, though, is that they're not quite as bad as when I was younger. I don't know if the allergies themselves have relaxed or whether I've just decided to be an adult about it. I'd like to think its the latter. Maybe.
The sneeze is a perfect analogy. Perfect. I hate to say it, but that's exactly how everything started-up again. I managed to speed things along by finally committing to asking myself the big questions. I re-tooled them again and again until they took the shape of something that I could wrap my head around. Once I had them packaged nicely, I finally sneezed.
I'd literally done nothing with myself for a few years. I only worked when I absolutely had to. I worked my clothing gig, but that hardly filled the hours. Going on buying trips for one, small family store only takes so much time. Aside from that, I bought and sold cars. I'd put together just enough capitol to get the ball rolling and hooked-up with a friend from college who was liscensed to buy at auctions. I was quite the black market for a couple of years, yet I only worked a handful of days a month. Had a couple of pimp-ass rides while I was at it, too. Thing of it was, it was all a pretty elaborate facade. I wasn't doing a damned thing and I wasn't even terribly interested in the few things it looked like I was doing. I love the functional art component of clothing and fashion, but I could only exercise that to a very small degree doing the job I was doing.
I think you're in a pretty good spot right now - probably a better spot than you give yourself credit for. If you felt like you were in a rut and it didn't bother you, then I'd be worried. You don't strike me as a high-stress person, but you don't strike me as a complacent one either. I'm sure you've already started to take stock of some things and ask yourself some questions about what makes you happy on a larger scale. Eventually, frustrating as that word is, you'll whittle the questions down into very fundamental notions of satisfaction and happiness. You'll think of the skills you have and probably one or two that you'd like to cultivate. From there, your options will proabably be pretty clear and will be made up entirely of things in which you could find fulfillment. Initially, for me, that involved knowing and indulging the frustration. That actually felt pretty good - letting myself get worked-up so that when I inevitably lashed-out, it was wasn't haphazard. It was productive.
Yeah - still hair. Working with my ideas and my hands on projects that were both evolving and tangible proved to be the deal-breakers for me. That led to functional art which, in turn, led to hair. I'm not in school yet. I'm going in on Monday to have some final interviews with people and tour the campus. How they can call it a campus when its nothing more than a couple of floors in an office building is beyond me, but when in Rome..... They start classes every month and, I'm probably looking at April or May. It's a 10 month program and I'm hell-bent on being certified and working by 30, so its high-time I got off my ass.
You definitely took the smart approach with the thing. Look it in the eye and kick its ass. The only way. But the allergies? As soon as we get a couple of weeks with temperatures steadily above freezing, I'll be in hell right next to you. My story is similar. I'd had my ass kicked around for my entire life until I moved to Vermont. That began eight heavenly years of alergy-free living. Outstanding, it was. As soon as I was back in Chicago, they all came rushing back. I've been happier. One thing I have found, though, is that they're not quite as bad as when I was younger. I don't know if the allergies themselves have relaxed or whether I've just decided to be an adult about it. I'd like to think its the latter. Maybe.
The sneeze is a perfect analogy. Perfect. I hate to say it, but that's exactly how everything started-up again. I managed to speed things along by finally committing to asking myself the big questions. I re-tooled them again and again until they took the shape of something that I could wrap my head around. Once I had them packaged nicely, I finally sneezed.
I'd literally done nothing with myself for a few years. I only worked when I absolutely had to. I worked my clothing gig, but that hardly filled the hours. Going on buying trips for one, small family store only takes so much time. Aside from that, I bought and sold cars. I'd put together just enough capitol to get the ball rolling and hooked-up with a friend from college who was liscensed to buy at auctions. I was quite the black market for a couple of years, yet I only worked a handful of days a month. Had a couple of pimp-ass rides while I was at it, too. Thing of it was, it was all a pretty elaborate facade. I wasn't doing a damned thing and I wasn't even terribly interested in the few things it looked like I was doing. I love the functional art component of clothing and fashion, but I could only exercise that to a very small degree doing the job I was doing.
I think you're in a pretty good spot right now - probably a better spot than you give yourself credit for. If you felt like you were in a rut and it didn't bother you, then I'd be worried. You don't strike me as a high-stress person, but you don't strike me as a complacent one either. I'm sure you've already started to take stock of some things and ask yourself some questions about what makes you happy on a larger scale. Eventually, frustrating as that word is, you'll whittle the questions down into very fundamental notions of satisfaction and happiness. You'll think of the skills you have and probably one or two that you'd like to cultivate. From there, your options will proabably be pretty clear and will be made up entirely of things in which you could find fulfillment. Initially, for me, that involved knowing and indulging the frustration. That actually felt pretty good - letting myself get worked-up so that when I inevitably lashed-out, it was wasn't haphazard. It was productive.
Yeah - still hair. Working with my ideas and my hands on projects that were both evolving and tangible proved to be the deal-breakers for me. That led to functional art which, in turn, led to hair. I'm not in school yet. I'm going in on Monday to have some final interviews with people and tour the campus. How they can call it a campus when its nothing more than a couple of floors in an office building is beyond me, but when in Rome..... They start classes every month and, I'm probably looking at April or May. It's a 10 month program and I'm hell-bent on being certified and working by 30, so its high-time I got off my ass.
I am going to have to start severely limiting the time I spend around people who cannot refrain from using the word "drama" outside of the context of artistic performance.
For example: "Man, I used to like her, but she just brings so much drama..." Okay, stop right there. Here's the only way I want to hear the word drama used: "TNT knows drama!"....
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For example: "Man, I used to like her, but she just brings so much drama..." Okay, stop right there. Here's the only way I want to hear the word drama used: "TNT knows drama!"....
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I forgot to ask the other day, how much do you practice for the roller derby?
A few more hours and I have to go to work. I absolutely hate closing, and I have to do it three days in a row this week- today, tomorrow, and the dread uber-slow Sunday! Then I've got to come in Moday morning at 8am after closing at 1am. My manager, who is an all-around nice guy and who never purposely schedules someone to come...
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I hope that means you are coming to visit and bringing a case of smokes and a case of beer. 

why do you hate where you are now? too quiet? and didn't you buy a house there or something?
confounding indeed
sounds like you need a trip to australia. everything makes sense when you're on the other side of the world
confounding indeed

Oh my I so didn't see you as a VS girl.

Sweetheart do not be stranger now that I am back.

So last entry, I promised a "better" update.
Well, I'm not sure I can come through on that one. I'll certainly endeavor to make this one a bit more personable and informative than the last; but, as I said, I'm just not feeling paticularly wordy at the moment.
Pictures and a brief recounting of my trip to New Orleans can be found here: Part One...
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Well, I'm not sure I can come through on that one. I'll certainly endeavor to make this one a bit more personable and informative than the last; but, as I said, I'm just not feeling paticularly wordy at the moment.
Pictures and a brief recounting of my trip to New Orleans can be found here: Part One...
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You consider yourself weird looking? How come? You look great.
So how was NO? Maybe I'll try and get out there for halloween.
You consider yourself weird looking? How come? You look great.
So how was NO? Maybe I'll try and get out there for halloween.
re: the frownie was because im a dumbass and misread something.
Thought it would've taken up too much bucks.
Someone gave me a 3 month gift account,
or one might say a GIFFFF account.
So, yeah, I'm decking around here a bit, I guess.
I'm guessing you never returned to New Orleans, I moved back in November. I think I'll hit Snake and Jake's for shits and giggles next weekend.
Anyway, hope you're still reading good books and drinking shit loads of coffee. Take care.