It came to me this morning when i was still half awake. It's amazing to me how many ideas seem to come to me in any mental mood but a "normal" one.

My second quarter in college i decided to be a philosophy major, and ever since i have had people asking me "what are you going to do with a philosophy degree?" and i...
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Hey! I'm glad you breathed some life into that group! Although I have nothing to offer your topic, I enjoyed reading it. I have very little knowledge on philosophy (12th grade Humanities class is all--History of Western Philosophy is on my bookshelf wink ) but it is an interest of mine
Thanks for your thoughtful post; it was exactly the kind of thing I had been hoping for.
This thesis is not as much fun as i was hoping it would be. I tend to let ideas form in the back of my mind, behind a curtain to which my conscious mind cannot see. It's kind of like independently contracting your thinking to an outside source...that just happens to be inside your head. It's never really let me down, but it tends to...
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I just opened to this:

Neither work nor possessions can be redeemed on their own, but only by starting from the spirit. It is only from the presence of the spirit that significance and joy can flow into all work, and reverence and the strength to sacrifice into all possessions.
-Martin Buber, I and Thou
Thanks so much for the sweet comment on my set!
tolerance is the best we have now, but I think acceptance and understanding would be better. And just because one accepts and understand something doesn't necessarily mean that it is being forced upon that person.
Something that really turns me on: the smell of hair when it hasn't been washed in two or three days. There's just something about the smell of natural hair oils that i find subtly but particulary arousing.

All good books are, whatever else they may be, the recorded work of some mind trying to take the grasp of itself, trying to bring into order the...
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I know what you mean about the hair thing! I totally agree....

Oh, and cool quote! Books rule love
Really hair huh. I've never heard that one before. You should date hippies. smile
So much to do, so much to think about. I am feeling somewhat better, although it's kind of back and forth right now. I just finished writing an article for my department's newsletter on the Taoism class i organized last quarter and again this quarter. This will be the first thing i have written that is "published", in quotes because it's a department thing so...
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respiratory care.
Sometimes i really hate being manic depressive. When i hit my down phase i feel like shit. I'm absolutely worthless today. No quote because i'm in a bad mood.
Being manic is certainly not fun. I've been kind of down (really down actually) but I keep trying to hide it. I'll send thoughts your way.
You are really nice. You seem to come by and say things that actually help me out! Thank you! And I can relate to your journal, although I have never been told I was manic depressive, I have a lot on my plate right now and try my hardest to keep sane....So difficult. Today I went on a 15 mile bike ride and I feel a thousand times better! You can't fuck with nature--it has such a way of cheering me up. When I lived in Seattle, walking around downtown or going to Ravenna Park or whatever always made me happy. Even looking at Mt. Ranier would cheer me up! Anyway, thanks again miao!!
There are so many things that i could write about. Right now i am in a thesis class which is my last requirement for graduation. Most people have trouble with a class like this because writing a long paper is very difficult for them. I am having trouble figureing out how to strech what would normally be a two week project for me into a...
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Quote at bottom.

Ah, set. I love, Love, LOVE being on set; I do not think there is a better, more enjoyable way to spend my time than by being on a film set. If you ever have the opportunity to crew on a short film you should really do it. Even if youre just a PA (an errand-runner) it can be great. Film people,...
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Aw, I thought that was YOU for a minute! I've been in many plays and several student (and one Hollywood) films and it is totally addictive.

Thank you for your kind words. They're really appreciated.
I was going for a more professional look when I was picking them out. I'm glad to see that you picked up on it. biggrin
Think of a number,
divide it by two,
something is nothing,
nothing is nothing.
Open a box,
tear off the lid,
then think of a number,
don't think of an answer.
Open your eyes,
think of a number,
don't get swept under,
a number's a number
A chance encounter you want to avoid,
the inevitable, so you do, oh yes you do the impossible
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45, i think.
Shit, I got to the number 7 then my brain broke. Stupid pot!
For anyone that has read my journal, you have probably noticed that ive only ever done quotes for journal entries. So today marks a departure from that format into something different. If you read and enjoy the quotes, never fear for i will continue to supply you with the pearls of wisdom that i painstakingly glean from various quote websites. In the event that you...
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