Well, the recuurring weirdness that is my job continues ...
The laid off the Webmaster's wife and he quit before her last day ... which sucks 'cause they're friends of mine.
They've laid me on again (score = hired 3 , laid-off = 2) so it's me, another friend/co-worker, and the owners doing everything. So far, no real problems but it's only been a few days.
On the plus side, I have a job ... which means I get to keep my apartment, my car, and DSL.
The new pic is because I keep hearing comments. LOL
The laid off the Webmaster's wife and he quit before her last day ... which sucks 'cause they're friends of mine.
They've laid me on again (score = hired 3 , laid-off = 2) so it's me, another friend/co-worker, and the owners doing everything. So far, no real problems but it's only been a few days.
On the plus side, I have a job ... which means I get to keep my apartment, my car, and DSL.
The new pic is because I keep hearing comments. LOL
I can throw quotes around endlessly.