i've been up since 630, i went to bed after 1, why is my body so friggin crazy?
so as some of you may have read, i got a jobby job finally, the basics, i'm a coffee/ ice cream wench
it's in a little cafe right on the waterfront so i get to stare at the water and watch the boats and yuppies pass by...
i really am enjoying it though, especially sice there is rarely ever a grumpy ice cream customer! i get time outa the house, and time to just be me, which basically equates to bratty flirting and bouts of cleaning, with the occasional icecream scoop serenade.
the biggest dangers in this job, are that it may or may not be seasonal, and that i am very tempted by the spumoni ice cream!
i really enjoy my coworkers, and they seem to like me so far, so things in the job world right now are pretty awesome, and lemme tell you, it makes a huge difference in my emotional world, the funk seemed to lift almost as soon as he said you're hired, there's still bits and pieces of it floating around but they don't seem as heavy as they were, maybe it's just the ice cream covering them up??
well i'm gonna try and nap a little more, and if that doesn't succeed i suppose i can get up and be "productive" some how, but i really try and keep that to my days off!
i hope every one is doing well, i love and miss you all, well most of you
so as some of you may have read, i got a jobby job finally, the basics, i'm a coffee/ ice cream wench

i really am enjoying it though, especially sice there is rarely ever a grumpy ice cream customer! i get time outa the house, and time to just be me, which basically equates to bratty flirting and bouts of cleaning, with the occasional icecream scoop serenade.
the biggest dangers in this job, are that it may or may not be seasonal, and that i am very tempted by the spumoni ice cream!
i really enjoy my coworkers, and they seem to like me so far, so things in the job world right now are pretty awesome, and lemme tell you, it makes a huge difference in my emotional world, the funk seemed to lift almost as soon as he said you're hired, there's still bits and pieces of it floating around but they don't seem as heavy as they were, maybe it's just the ice cream covering them up??
well i'm gonna try and nap a little more, and if that doesn't succeed i suppose i can get up and be "productive" some how, but i really try and keep that to my days off!
i hope every one is doing well, i love and miss you all, well most of you


(big ol' snorgles) It was really good seeing you the other day. I'm glad to have gotten some good spur-of-the-moment Betty-time. 

Sometimes cold blow sounds good, followed by some nice chowder. Yeah, that's it! Does your new place make a kick ass malt? That is what I crave when I want something ice creamy...