i think that we can all agree that we have about reached the limits of our extractive culture. there are so many little signs of a system that is out of balance and teetering towards a complete meltdown.
for instance, we are currently- that is we taxpayers- shoring up the financial sector of the economy, specifically the banks, to prevent a world-wide panic and likely...
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smooches for you!! kiss
Thanks so much for the offer, I love Seattle but at this moment I can't wait another second to get back to my new life on the mountain. We should keep in touch, I'd love to come meet you and spend some time in the northwest forest wildcrafting. That sounds like a beautiful thing to do before you start your ND practice. All the blessings in the world to you, we should stay in touch.
as much as i've seen that makes me believe that we are all going south in a handbasket and that we are going to, through laziness and greed and misplaced confidences, ruin the entire terrestrial ecosystem with us, I have just found a few great reasons to be excited for the prospect of living out the beginning of the end of things.
it's really weird...
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there. i put you in my phone. your name is Jerm. smile hehe

p.s. Have you read Sidhartha? The way you talk reminds of this book. It's only 150 pages and a lot of people like it. Some people use it in life. You might want to read it, if you haven't.

i have not finished it yet, but i will. i want to go to a river. i mostly just want to relax and find myself right now. i want to hang out with new people that will help me do this. i want to start a whole new life. and i'm pretty sure i started it today. i'm happy about that.

anyway, i love that quote. i always have. i also love "an eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind.", which i'm sure you already know, is also by Gandhi. i want it tattooed somewhere on my body. i think it's beauitul.

The Machine? hell yeah! Little Miss Macho? I've never heard that one before. please, explain! lol or...did you mean Nacho? because that would make sense...from our previous conversations.

cleavage shots? psh. you don't have cleavage. you're not even a chubby kid. not a fair trade, mister. wink
jesus, i forgot to tell everyone i got a new job bussing (for the moment) at a mexican restaurant. the end of the line for me is in a month or so when i move into bar-backing, my ultimate goal being tending the bar. go team liquor!
it's a hell of a lot busier and a hell of a lot more work than coffee, even...
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lol. yeah, the nothingness is intriguing wink
where have you been? 3 days of no comments is ridiculous! wink
i got fired last week. first time ever and you know what, i was happy about it. i was on the way out the door they just opened it for me on this one. even so, i'm nervous about the money situation, given that i'm moving into a new place withing the month and starting school end of next month.
but, i'm riding and enjoying...
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lol. you're funny! sandpaper, oooouch frown
i actually have to clean it with water and sea salt 2-4 times a day. it feels sooooo good. haha.
and yeah, i agree. but only when it heals. i don't want you to see my swollen tongue. it's weird.
awwww. poor muscle frown and poor you frown

"look at my guns"....dear god i wish it was. because that would have been very smooth of you.
today i saw what might possibly be one of the most inspiring vistas available to an urban dweller anywhere in the world. i saw the alpenglow on tahoma at sunset this evening as it towered above the rooftops of our small corner of the world. drives home just how small you and i are and how little we truly affect the order and rhythms of...
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actually, the more i read, the more i realize that maybe you are not with her. but still love her dearly. correct me if i'm wrong, lol
yeah okay, i sent you a message. i combined the response to the last comment you gave me and the message that you sent. it'll be easier that way! wink
you know, i think i may have to be done with tequila for a while.
some folks say that whiskey makes them crazy and i don't feel the effects that way but tequila, oh that is another story all together!
so let me relate what happened to you all. this is a moment of shame for me, but i figure everyone can laugh along as...
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1. the paramount. lovely place.
2. i never thought about rivers. i can't say i have a favorite.
3. family smile

p.s. thanks for adding me as a friend smile

oh man do I not miss those days! You are right to bid tequila farewell. Sorry I've been so slack on here, but my overly busy life is calling. I don't think I'll be on much anymore.

I want to see a concert at Red Rocks so badly!

1. The Greek in Los Angeles
2. hmmmmm, I don't think I have a favorite river, not off the top of my head anyway.
3. the lack of heat and smog and the surplus of trees and mountains.

Hope you're doing well!
well, i figure life is about as good as can be expected in this given situation.
i've been really introspective the past few months and have lost touch with the world at large. can't complain, it's been nice to be away between my ears.
maybe i've found a few new thoughts to roll out into the world. they're really recycled from somebody else but that...
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back in action here. wrote a fresh blog which is below if you'd like to kick around the thoughts therein.
just got back from the trip that was in planning last time i was on. it was amazing and inspired my thoughts to wander to many a topic on the american life.
got together with an old friends and crush and found that we have...
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sorry to have been so long off the boat! i didn't even think of it.
i was having problems with sara and now we've broken up so no more problems...or something.
ummm...just picked up new hard bags for my motorcycle as well as logging a few hundred more miles with a numb ass. i need to make my seat far better next time.
past that...
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Hope things are getting better every day.
That Zuni trip sounds great, where exactly is the Zuni nation?
so, here's the mojo in action.
nothing too damned long or aything like that, just a few pictures and some words to go around.
finally met SurlyMike and HolaGatita last night, which is cool.nullnull.
also finally got my motorcycle out of town. did 150 miles and then went in to work. my butt is sore today. feels less painful than being saddle...
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yeah, i guess my post was pretty lengthy, wasn't it? sounds like you're seeing some good stuff - hopefully you crack the windows riddle so you can post some of it...
I hope you get it figured out, I would love to see some photos!!!

Great to meet you the other night!